TBD on Ning

"Here is how racism finds expression in the United States in the
21st century. You can tell it is racism because the only thing that has
changed between that period when there was no protest and the current
one is the anxiety of a segment of the population because of race."

—Vernon Windsor blog post March 16, 20010

Fox News' Bret Baier interrupted President Obama so many times during Wednesday's interview
that Newsweek described the enounter as a "interrupt-a-thon."

Baier acknowledged his repeated interjections at the end of the interview, by
interrupting the president once more to apologize. Baier told Obama "I
apologize for interrupting you, sir. I tried to get the most for our
buck here."

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell said that he could not recall a reporter ever questioning or interrupting an American president
in such an aggressive way. Certainly, O'Donnell argued, Fox News never
took that approach with former President George W. Bush.

(Full article)


You have to know how many people of color (black people in particular) will
view this exchange. This is another example of how people of color are
slighted in ways that diminish the respect they have should be accorded
due to their office, their titles, or their accomplishments. All you
have to do is to look at how this same interviewer treated George W.
Bush to understand what is really going on here.

We have seen this kind of thing for years in both the South and the North. White
doctors are introduced as Dr. Smith, Dr. Bannock, and Dr. Taylor, while
the black doctor is introduced as "John," stripped of both his title and
the formality of his last name. This is no different. Nor can one
compare European style interviews with those in this country. They are
two separate traditions. The overall message is "you can be interrupted
because of who you are as opposed to who I am, and furthermore, I owe
you absolutely none of the deference normally afforded this office for
exactly the same reason."

Tags: America, Fox, News, common, honesty, politics, race, racism, sense

Views: 64

Replies to This Discussion

Let me see I said twaddle phonies. Condensing hateful responses- yep that was right here not some place else. Need to learn how to read? Right to your faces.
RW your attempt at Flaming at the other site shows Exactly why we don't take some of you seriously.
(pssst....Toby. Who are you talking to?)
Let's get it straight.
1) I gave my opinion on how I think this is Not Racism.
2) I believe that it Hurts the fight against Racism.
3) I answered a question to someone that I normally don't respond to.
4)I responed why I understood racism ugliness so personal.
5)That person came back with the kind of response thet normally do.
6) I returned in kind.
7) The others that I normally don't respond to had to throw in their ugly two cents.
8) I again returned in kind
9) I stand by my statements
10) Hell- I'm not going to waste my breath on you 4
11) Only two people actually had anything worth listening to.
Deal jacquin! I just ask also that,everyone remember,that I too am a member of this group. That just because we don't see eye to eye on certain things does not mean I don't care.
I believe there is much still left to do to fight Racism. There are still pockets of it across our nation,because of the career that I have now. I get to see the good anf the bad,first hand.
I read the intetvriw and heard part of it. It was not an attack on a black man but a man who is the president. Sometimes a rock is nothing more than a rock.
The way to end racism is thru education. Fear of the unknown and insecurity and poverty is the biggest cause of racism. Just because it is better does not mean that there isn't much more to do.
Again Cynthia, I ask you who needs to be educated and what manner of education do you think is needed. Do you have ideas, or are these words just empty platitudes?
: ~ D
Some are more overt

Tea party protesters call Georgia's John Lewis 'nigger'

WASHINGTON — Demonstrators outside the U.S. Capitol , angry over the proposed health care bill, shouted "nigger" Saturday at U.S. Rep. John Lewis , a Georgia congressman and civil rights icon who was nearly beaten to death during an Alabama march in the 1960s.

The protesters also shouted obscenities at other members of the Congressional Black Caucus , lawmakers said.

"They were shouting, sort of harassing," Lewis said. "But, it's okay, I've faced this before. It reminded me of the 60s. It was a lot of downright hate and anger and people being downright mean."
My feelings exactly Toby, thank you
I tried to be nice but toby you are no lady,and ronald is no gentleman.
I have no idea what happened I will go check it out. You have proven that all you have is Hate inside your cold hearts. You should be ashamed of yourselfs once again you have proven to me what you claim I am. You judge without knowing anything.
You are as I stated before and worse.say what you will, I know who I am and what you are.
Have no fear I will not reply to you any more. But I will stay a member till Mark kicks me out!
I will pray for you two your in desperate need of compassion.
Thank-you for posting this wonderful video Toby......One House.....United we stand
Thanks Jacquin*you didn't have to:ave Ronalds post removed.He has a right to his thoughts( plus you know I have this thing about censorship/or perceived) I do appreciate the gesture though.
I read what happened and it is a shame that a group of so called adults could act in such a manner. I work out of GA I have heard Mr Lewis speak he has always been respectful even when challenged. Although I don't agree with his vote what happened was disgraceful and those who stood by should hang their heads in shame.
I have never denied. That racism exists and this was out and out hatered,racist stupidty. It is this kind oif behavior that hurts. Those of us who dislike someone poltics and could careless if the person was purple with green poka dots.
It should never be about color only about if the person can do the job that we elect them to do.
Who needs to be educated? Our children. It will be thru them and their children that maybe one day people won't look at a persons skin and decide if they are good or bad.
Adults who are afraid of the unknown-by this I mean our country still has vast areas where you won't find any minority. If you don't have a diverse group of people in your area you remain unaware that people are just people. I believe poverty has a way of keeping hate going. Children gather in groups under people who give them a sense of false security. The leaders of these groups in my opinion are just plan evil , they are greedy power hungry people who use fear to keep control over our children. Who in return if not taught differently contintune the circle of hate.




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