TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh yourself

with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco, and a Dew or two. We have fresh

baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be a tad hungry,too.

Your money isn't any good here, but your friendship is a valued and priceless

thing.....so come on in and enjoy yourself.  If no one is here, please leave a

note letting us know you came by to visit....:)

Ladyg - owner

Mary   - Manager

Lynn   - Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place I've set up in EONS...so please drop in and say hi there too.


Hope everyone has a peaceful and relaxing day for the rest of today...and a wonderful week ahead, too!

Hope all have a peaceful and relaxing day of rest today!

Tags: Food, Friendship, Laughter, Music

Views: 243

Replies to This Discussion

yup looks like us lol
I like this one too!!!.........of course I love Celtic Music too so that helps.......and the guys aren't bad to look at either.........LOL

well no cant have a party without them men lol
So we bring our own in.....lol by the way of video's...LOL
Here's the guys version.......so much cuter on the eyes.....lol.......

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oh yea of course,them eyes melt ya lol
Yes they do...indeed, here's a favorite of mine....that is the song of course.....lol

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hey,i never understood the green beer lol but hey guys keep dancing
I dont understand reason for green beer, but...it does look much more interesting instead of just the plain look of beer.......don't have a clue to the taste tho......LOL
Me either chickie mary,never did care for it,but them dancers can buy me one and i will just throw it in the bush lol
LOL.......now you're talking, chickie cat!!!.......at least the bushes will have a great time.......lol




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