TBD on Ning

I see Sister Sarah has claimed "YOU BETCHA" when asked if she was going to show up and claim her leadership....not to mention 100k 'speaking fee'...to the "National Tea Bag Convention" in Nashville.

Seems, however, all is not well in TeaPartyDom.  While all rats may be equal...sounds to me like some of the rats are more equal than others....and are fleaing that steaming garbage scow in droves.  When the light finally shines in the empty attic that rests atop Michelle Bachmann's head...you know that the fertilizer has finally hit the fan.

While I have certain sympathies for the basic fundamentals of the Tea Party movement...that even the most rabid droolers on the right are bailing out of this mess speaks volumes.  It seems that some are questioning the motives of the convention organizer suggesting he's really in it to turn a buck.  IMAGINE!!  I'm sure you're just as shocked as I am to learn that a republican (yes...small R for small minds) is really a money grubbing greedy git who could care less what gullible fool they clip the money from.

The former Alaska governor still plans to speak at the much-maligned National Tea Party Convention next month in Nashville. "You betcha I'm going to be there," she told Fox News last night.

That pledge comes despite the fact that in recent weeks, other planned speakers and sponsors have rushed to the exits amid concerns that the event's organizer, Nashvillle lawyer Judson Phillips, intends
to profit financially from the venture.

Yesterday brought the latest mass exodus. First, as we reported, the convention's two other Republican speakers, Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee backed out in quick succession, with Blackburn declaring: "It's a 'We the people' event and I think sometimes it's become about
'I the organizer,' for the organizer."

The lawmakers were followed out the door by the Tea Party Express, the group created by a GOP consulting firm, whose participation in the convention had been touted as a coup by the organizers -- though TPE's
leaders took pains to make clear that they're only backing out because
they're just so insanely busy lately.

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Well, at least someone was paying attention
I guess it is "Country First" for Sarah Palin. That must be why she resigned her governor job to write a book, make $100,000 speeches, and become a FOX contributor. Someone should buy her a "Palm Pilot" though I think! Pretty hard to remember all those talking points and basic beliefs she has without writing on her palms.
Unedited tea party protester interview in Ohio

I watched this interview with fascination...expecting the complete opposite of what I found. I expected a criii-iii-iii about "Poor Dad! Look what they did..." Instead, I found (gasp) a true Compassionate Conservative....every Independent's dream... A "liberal Republican" (Am I the only one to remember Anderson of Illinois?)

While I don't generally tend to buy books by political hacks looking to turn a buck...her book comes out in April and she promised (if I heard her correctly) to 'tell all' about Sister Sarah. Heck, I might just drop $20 to read an insider's account!
I heard a person on Shannyn Moores web cast.whom Palin had thrown under the bus, this is a former speaker of the house in Alaska and a republican. She said Palin has started her run just as she did in Alaska. First she will fracture the right and keep her base. AKA teabaggers, then move to the center and use her wiles. She is not a person to be taken lightly.
I refuse to take any person...REGARDLESS of who they are...seriously who 1) Could not explain the Bush Doctrine and 2) Puts down people who use teleprompters who then write notes on their flipping PALM.

The woman is an empty husk. Let her run....the very first time she had to face any SERIOUS journalist, she'd be toast.
Fox News poll: Public thinks the Tea Party movement is a black helicopter-racist crowd

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 02:30 PM PST

It's interesting watching the Villagers try to figure out what the teabaggers are, both on TV and in print, because they refuse to either admit the truth or are afraid to voice their true feelings.

An interesting online poll is going on right now on the Fox News website. What it shows is quite interesting to me, since Fox News created the Tea Party movement in order to undermine President Obama and his agenda. At this point almost 200K people have voted and the results surprised me because it seems they don't need much psycho-babble talk to figure out what is quite evident to anyone who is not afraid to voice an honest opinion about them.

How to define the Tea Party movement was nearly as big an issue last week at the National Tea Party Convention as the political issues discussed, from government fiscal responsibility to greater accountability of public officials. Some participants drew cheers for raising more controversial topics, such as President Obama's nationality, but others argued that those points were, at best, politically unproductive. Meghan McCain went further on Monday and called segments of the movement "racist."
And the survey says:

Fruitless mix of racism, conspiracy theories 79% (156,751 votes)





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