TBD on Ning

Katie Couric reports that the Air Marshalls are top heavy with managers creating a hostile work environment, a good ol' boyz network of mostly former Secret Service agents who display virulent racism, sexism, and homophobia. If you are a woman, or a disabled veteran, go work somewhere else.

I've met women who could smile very sweetly, all the while possessing the skill to disable a grown man with a single finger; and I can't imagine a better cover for an Air Marshall charged with the protection of a plane, passengers, and crew while in flight, than a wheel chair.

Couric claimed to have interviewed dozens, or was it scores, of current and former Air Marshalls and the story was always the same - one of a managerial hierarchy riven with incompetence, and bent on retribution should anyone dare complain. Apparently some of those complaints are heading to court.

If anything less than 98 percent of these racist, sexist, homophobic nitwits vote repelican I'll eat my hat. They're all registered Ray-gun-ites, every last man among them.

There is a lesson here, and that is,

We'll be cleaning up the Bushite for decades  . . . 

Tags: american, dissent

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