TBD on Ning

We made it up to 421 pages on TBD - it's too late to turn back now!

Again, the idea is to post as many song titles as you can think of for a given word - tho good etiquette counsels that you not "run the category" all at once. Give other people a chance to think and post - and dig down deep into those obscurities in your music collection. And don't switch too soon - just because *you* can't think of another title doesn't mean there's not (say) a Klezmer Klassic running through somebody else's head.

I'll include the carryover list of words we've done in the next post.

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One of those songs you've probably heard all your life but never realized how semi-demented it really was.

It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' - Wendell Hall

November Rain - Guns 'n' Roses
on the outside looking in
Charlie Brown
Who Put the Bop
Ain't Misbehaving
I'm gonna be a Wheel someday
Roll over Bethovan
Bit's And Pieces
Will you Love me Tomorrow
Words of Love
One of Isaac's few lead vocals.

Rainmaker - The Cryan' Shames

!!!!Did I really forget a Cryan Shames song? Well, it never charted, so at least that's some consolation.
Oh No!!! I'm missing them again tonight!! With Dennis Tufano and Ronnie Rice!!!
It's my fault!! I need to do a better job of checking the concert schedule and reminding you:)
Remember that old "reversal" thingy? Local boys biggest hit.

Downstream - The Rainmakers

Stop Rainin' Lord - Warren Zevon ------------------------Boones Farm?

Like that one! (And not just because of the "tribute" to Boone's Farm:)
Kiss The Rain - Billie Myers
I Can Stand a Little Rain - Joe Cocker




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