TBD on Ning

Just saw on The Ed Show on MSNBC (have no idea who "Ed" is) a clip of Rush LImbaugh saying that Obama is using the tragedy in Haiti for political gain, to enhance his image as a humanitarian, etc. Then he went on to say "this is the guy who took 3 days to respond to the Xmas day bomber". How convienent the right forgets that Bush took six days to responnd to the shoe bomber. Obama responds in less than 24 hours to Haiti. He went on to mention dark skinned and light skinned people. Not sure what Rush's point about that all was. But I digress.

Let's see: The Xmas day bomber incident, nobody was injuried or killed. In Haiti, possibly 100,000 human beings are already dead, estimates say several hundreds of thousands may have been been killed. In a disaster such as this, immediate response is crucial. Safe water, shelter, things of that nature are a matter of life or death. Yet Rush has the nerve to say Obama is doing this to promote his image as a humanitarian? I wonder what Rush's response was to the 2004 tsunami/earthquake and the response of Bush. Did Rush say Bush was using the deaths of over 200,000 human beings for political gain? I doubt it. I'm sick and f'ing tired of the double standards from the right.

Also, while I'm venting...WTF was Rudy G talking about when he said there was no domestic terrorism after 9/11? Can the right be so f'ing blind and stupid?

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I have always wondered how one goes through their day without knowing what is going on the world. If I miss the national evening news I feel lost. No disrepect. I just can't wrap my mind around not knowing.

Oh, believe me, I know what is going on. I said I don't watch cable news, I watch the national evening news and local news, but I just can't get into watching cable news, which to me just seems a televised version of talk radio.
And How long did it take Bush to respond to Katrina?
four days. Friday till Wednesday.
Anytime ANYONE gives from the heart it goes against everything oxyRusty Limpballs stands for. The man has no class at all.
I wonder... what if Pat Robertson got cancer? How would he explain THAT one?
He would say god is call him back home, to make him a suprium judge.
Let's face it, people are going to say dumb stuff. From what I hear about Rush,he says what he means,right or wrong. Robertson sounds like he may have some issues.(Trying to be nice) The thing is we may never know Obamas true motives but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt(so to speak) unless shown otherwise. This tragedy should not be used for politics,but we all know that there will be people on all ides that will try and use it to make them or someone else look good. The mores the shame.
From what I hear about Rush,he says what he means,right or wrong.

Actually, Rush is on record as saying he doesn't believe "most" of what he says. He said he does it for the ratings and the $$$. He said this when he tried his ill-fated attempt at being a football commentator a few years ago. Said he hoped it worked out because he didn't believe most of what he was saying anyway.
I knew someone would take what I said and change it into something I didn't mean. It was a poor choice of words.(On my part) But then I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt! I question everybody in office even if they have polka dots! You need to get a life! I don't just talk I put up! Have you donated anything yet? I have. I have also have challenged everyone I know to do the same thing.
My whole point I guess is in this name calling and politics needs to be kept out!
One last thing do you have a problem with the fact, that I might not like Obama because of his politics and not his skin? Grow up not everything is about skin color!
Guess what? I can see things on both sides that I like and dislike.
I don't care what Obamas reasoning is for helping Haiti. I hope its for the right reason. The right reason,because it is the right thing to do.(That is what I mean by giving him the benefit of the doubt,and that it is not politics)
I don't know anything really about Rush except what I hear from others. I am an independent thinker. What I see way to often is if someone doesn't think the way you do,well their just crazy or stupid or if its about Obama well then they just hate black people.
I don't like Obamas policies, I don't want the health care plan as it is now,we don't have the money to pay for it.He has continued to put us into further debt. He has spent way to much time going around saying he's sorry,which makes us look weak. I do not believe in abortion as birth control. It has nothing to do with who his parets are.
See unlike some I can give a person credit where it is due,but I can still disagree on basic issues.
I believe if we all start looking we will find all kinds of things that we agree on. Yes, there will be big gaps in some areas but none in others. Put up or shut up I have.
don't care what Obamas reasoning is for helping Haiti. I hope its for the right reason.

I guess one thing that bothered me about all this was that nobody questioned Bush's motives when helping people/countries out in times of disaster. Nobody. Nobody. I'm sick and f'ing tired of the double standards applied to Obama.
Well get used to it, Mark. The double standard won't stop anytime soon.




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