TBD on Ning


Hello Folks,
Welcome to our little coffee shop, where we just gather when we want to take a little break, chat with whomever might be here at the moment and get to know each other. It's a friendly little place and everyone is welcome. Just say hello and folks here should respond. If no one happens to be here at the moment, just stick around or keep an eye on the last post to see who pops up to greet you.

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OK, thanks! LOL. . . and the party is held in The Gathering Place, right? I'm getting all confused!
You'll have to give me a lesson on Mardi Gras!
I will be glad to give you lesson 101 on Mardi Gras..........no my parties are held in Ladyg's Place, it will be up and running Saturday afternoon with parade videos and music so everyone will know where to go. If you ever get to go to a parade or ball you will be hooked.
OK, I think I'm getting it. . . but it'll be here in the Welcome Lounge? LOL. . .
That is correct, I have redirected all my members to the welcome lounge. I am going to post a little Mardi Gras history in the welcome lounge.
Great! I really look forward to it Ladyg!
Well I am off to take care of a few things and do my FB thingy...see you later.
OK! See you in a bit!
morning all
Good morning Robert! I've been looking for you all morning!
How are you today and tell me how it's working out?
I made it in starting to think death is the coming next I hurt that bad right now




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