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What do you dream of this holiday season? This one's for my Beloved, who embodies all my hopes, dreams, and wishes...

Tags: Chanukkah, Christmas, Eid al-Adha, Kwanzaa, haiku, poetry, prayers, wishes

Views: 669

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stars sparkle above
your love sparkles in my heart
my wishes come true
holiday wishes
no matter how small or big
become real to you
my warmest wishes
to all my TBD friends
Merry Christmas all !
Hooking my wish to yours, my friend! The best of everything to all my friends on TBD!
Miracles of Hope
Laughter throughout the Year
Joys of Happiness
that all hearts would mend
everyone would have a friend
love would never end

love is forever
may change forms, chameleon-like
but everlasting
Wow... what a beautiful haiku, Angharad!

you've melted my heart
with loving wishes to all
hope for peace on earth
lying in your arms
transfixed by a miracle
a lone star twinkles
if I had one wish
I'd wish my special friend's wish
would then become true
a great, loving heart
sacrifices its own wish
to help another

may all the wishes
you have ceded to others
come true this Christmas

Much love, metub4...
I see the same star.
Unexpected radiance!
What Child is this?




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