Welcome one and all to our party, come have a drink grab some food, sit by the fire and listen to some wonderful Christmas tunes while enjoying good conversation with old and new friends. Santa will be here tonight and checking his list once or twice to see how many ladies have been Naughty or Nice. Now gentlemen don't worry Ms. Claus will be here checking your list to see if you have been Naughty or Nice. HO HO HO
g-nite sweet cat sleep well and dream peaceful !!!
Permalink Reply by Mary on December 12, 2009 at 6:59pm
Well there u are.........LOL thought we had lost you..of course I"ve been looking around for music...but have been trying to keep up with everyone too!!!!!! Hug elfs do that you know :)
Permalink Reply by Mary on December 12, 2009 at 7:01pm
well dolls!! santas gotta get the reindeers back to the north pole..so ill say nite i have an early day tomorrow & plus making presents so ill see all u chickies later ...b good now !!! ...ill be watching..ho ho ho!!!!
Permalink Reply by lynn on December 12, 2009 at 7:19pm
thanks for hanging out with us, SantaJeff!! and you can collect that massage whenever you like!!!
goodnite and sweet dreams to you!