TBD on Ning

Welcome one and all to our party, come have a drink grab some food, sit by the fire and listen to some wonderful Christmas tunes while enjoying good conversation with old and new friends. Santa will be here tonight and checking his list once or twice to see how many ladies have been Naughty or Nice. Now gentlemen don't worry Ms. Claus will be here checking your list to see if you have been Naughty or Nice. HO HO HO

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Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music, Party

Views: 84

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OK y'all.........this one song from the movie "White Christmas" is something my sister and have done every Christmas eve the last now 4 years......it's our song.......lol......and we act it out too, while watching the movie.......lol

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that's neat, Mary! thanks, it's cool that you and your sis can do this!!!!!
Trust me, Lynn if we lived in the same house.......it wouldn't be very pretty.........lol.....but since we did not grow up together.......this is a neat way to bond...........:)
yes, i'm glad you have that opportunity...and that you're both taking advantage of it, Mary!
ive only watched this three times so far hehehe
LOL........that's ok....I love it..myself........I have to reserve the movie for Christmas this year......we watch that one and daughters favorite.........Home Alone..........lol and its my year to get both movies......lol
ya like that, do ya, Deb? do you have sister(s)???
here's for Ladyg:

and for you, Mary:

jeff and Deb, here's for you guys:

thanks sis your a sweetie :)

Thank you so much Miz Lynn....:)
Thank you sweet Lynn, yummo as usual.......the best bartender on TBD
Yeppers you have that right, Ladyg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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