TBD on Ning

We made it up to 421 pages on TBD - it's too late to turn back now!

Again, the idea is to post as many song titles as you can think of for a given word - tho good etiquette counsels that you not "run the category" all at once. Give other people a chance to think and post - and dig down deep into those obscurities in your music collection. And don't switch too soon - just because *you* can't think of another title doesn't mean there's not (say) a Klezmer Klassic running through somebody else's head.

I'll include the carryover list of words we've done in the next post.

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More Zep "songs."

The Song Remains the Same

The Rain Song

Nina Simone's version of a jazz classic:
The Work Song

And Herb Alpert's:
I actually recall hearing this on the radio waaay back in the day - yep, my ear was tuned in to the music even then. But I'm appalled that it's unavailable on YouTube, so here's a link that proves I'm not making it up (anyone else remember this?)

Song of the Barefoot Mailman - Billy Leach

I haven't heard this before, at least that I remember, but for the link to a vinyl shop so close to me - Thanks, Jake!! (Yep, you da man!)
I thought you might get some use out of the info:) (Too bad I didn't know about this shop the last time I went up to Rolling Meadows - it's right on the way.)
Song for Half Mountain - Dan Fogelberg

Not that this describes me, of course, but ...

OK, Julie - keeping the Chicago groove going ...

Hey Baby They're Playing Our Song - Dennis Tufano of the Buckinghams with the Cryan Shames, featuring Jim Pilster (Hook) and Tom Doody (Toad)

[Geez, that's longer than the link]

{Hand "A" and Hand "C" applied to forehead "B" in slapping motion with mouth "D" agape!}
That was from last rainy Fourth of July, and apparently I missed a good show. (Is it me, or are they looking younger these days?)
I know what you mean about their looking younger - and Dennis Tufano sounds as good as ever. (And apply Foot "E" in a contorted twisting motion to Rear End "F" for misspelling Hooke's name.)
From highway to the sea, I think the mood is the same:
Mariner's Revenge Song - Decemberists
From a compilation cd that I purt near wore out.




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