TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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good if you like to ski.

They are going

to declare a holiday for all next week so all the skiers can ski.

In the meantime
I will be having my Bud Lites.

My house is
all decorated for the holidays and all ready for all those holiday parties coming up.

The guest list
will include my immediate family.

Mondays are
almost always the worst day of the week.

After all
the house cleaning we did today, it will just get dirty again.

my favorite vehicle is
my old Caddy that has seen me through blizzards, ice, hydroplaning, etc., etc.

Is much easier driving
my 4WD SUV.

There is too much
too much vehicle to worry about and visibility isn't as good either.

Of course with gas prices
I'm still going to drive my SUV, because I like it a lot.

New Years Eve will be
a good night to stay in with all the drunks on the road.

They always think




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