TBD on Ning

I've been a little lax for a couple reasons and I apologize. This is something new I want to try..a weekly check in where we let everyone know how we are, and what we have been up to during the past week...Fridays will be good for this.
Guys, if you've been checking out the women around town or tbd...its okay. Us gals do that too.
So, lets start checking in....AND....if there is something you would like to talk about...please mention it. We can take a day and discuss it...

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I've been working on my abusive support network and finally have it up and running....so I've taken some time out to play online...games n stuff. Otherwise, I've been fine...just doing the wrong things.
Work, back to the Rv, then cook do dishes, Laundry on weekends What is a man to do? Check out Women; not enough time. LOL. just counting the days until Wife and kids come down to Tn to visit, also waiting for the house to sell.
Hi Emmett, I hope your house sells soon because I know its rough being without your family.
Morning all.

Thought I would stop by and see what the group is all about. Actually I am interested in meeting a few new people online. Maybe make a new friend or two.

Here is a little story from long ago and far away. One morning when I was about 14 and up getting ready for school I had this strange feeling come over me. I felt that something bad was going to happen. Then soon after I felt that someone or something that I knew was going to be killed. A terrible feeling. While I was on the school bus, the driver was turned around in the same driveway that he always turned around in at a house just down the road from where I lived. He had backed into the driveway and ran over the dog that lived there. Whew, pretty awful as I knew the dog and it's owner. Have not had anything like that happen a gain and hope I never do. Have any of you ever experienced anything like that?
Hi Captain and welcome to the group.
Good afternooon Jan. I thought I had clicked on let me know if anyone replys to this group. Guess I didn't and just happened to check the group while I am having lunch. Anyway thanks for the welcome.
Interesting that you think that there is no such thing as coincidence. Do you mean that everything is preordained? Also interesting that you believe that we are all born with the ability to trust that sixth sense. Have you had any occasion to trust the sixth sense? Would like to hear about any experiences that you may have had concerning your sixth sense.

I know that I could sure use a reliable sith sense when I go to the casino!! LOL




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