TBD on Ning

Is this true? Do you feel this way? Men, do you feel like this towards women?
This is how I feel most times. Low self esteem is bad for us. what are ways to combat low self esteem?

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Thank you. That's very kind of you to say. Some days are better than others, particularly with the intelligence part. LOL
Can not add a thing. I am a heavy male and guess what? I had those same feelings and wasted a lot of time. I too have drastically altered my life style to get healthy and I am not going to worry about what anyone else thinks. I am who I am and I try to be the best at those thing I have to do. And I have wondered is she dating me out of pity, does she think I have no self pride? Why wpould she date me? on and on until U think your brains is fried and anxiety cam kill. Since I decided to change for myself I am doing a world better.
Not at all. I don't use weight as a measurement for my being attracted to or repulsed by a woman. Hygeine, personality and friendliness are what I look for.
I'm not what I would think "heavy" Full woman is a better description. My husband as called me fat, and said that my butt is big. (it's not, only a hand full)
Yes Bear, hygeine is the most important.
No In fact I feel more like you but not because of my wait but because of what has harped to me in the past . i have given up on ever meeting any one . I wish I could give you some good advice on how to handle low self esteem . But i have had it so long I can not remember what is was ever like not to have it . I will not ever approach an thin woman or a medium size women or a heavy women I guess I can not remember when I was ever accepted by the opposite sex .
and all I ever want was a woman that would want me for who I am the real me not the skinny me of the past or the potbelly me of today . I have so much love to give the right woman or should I say A woman but they seemed to be repelled by me . I wish I new what it was so I could change it . but now being 58 i doubt if I ever will.
Oh Ron....I wish I could think of the right words to say to you and have you feel better about yourself. I've been married twice, one ended in divorce, the other...he passed away. Neither were great marriages, but I made the most it. When you enter a relationship or marriage you feel its forever, but it may not be. You don't know a person until you live with them. Then you find out things....bad habits, he's an alcoholic, she's not faithful...
But love is beautiful.....I like to believe, no matter what, we all have someone out there...maybe we're turning the right corner at the wrong time.
there's enough heartbreak in this thread for a lifetime...and i'm proud to know the brave people here who are willing to put yourself in words, in public. bubbadave, Christina, Ron, i'm talking to you especially, as well as everyone else who has chimed in!
I don't post often in this group, but am thinking i need to come back more often. thanks for being here!!!!
The older I get, the more I realize that beauty presents itself in all different shapes and sizes. I sense that people (women and men) focus too much on their looks and not enough on the development and cultivation of their emotional and spiritual selves. Looks are fleeting; the soul is everlasting...
Personally, I think it's just an excuse. Losing weight has more to do with will-power and determination. Sedantary lifestyles don't lend themselves to ideal weight. If a person takes care of themselves physically then I believe they make a better prospective mate because they respect themselves enough to exercise and do whatever it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
That is a two way street. I am losing weigth to save me and no other reason. I am who I am. What U see is what U get. Bill
No,i do not feel this way.
Guys are attracted too me everyman doesnt want a skinny girl.




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