TBD on Ning

On the train, I had time to observe the countryside, and of course it fell out into 5-7-5...
I hope you'll add yours.

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pastures still exist
urban sprawl not everywhere
I enjoy it still
Trees in the distance
Smoke puffs on the horizon
Signaling good news
3 puffs mean good news?
or was it 2 repeated?
it has been awhile.....
mountains, calderas, glaciers...
hand-in-hand, we roam
sensuous grey bark
vivid reds and bamboo green
a hike through your eyes
Blacked roofed boards of pine
Red painted barns in the field
Fading Old Mail Pouch
Old Mail Pouch!

Thanks for the vision Quinn
Two days driving north
I could see that seasons change
Where trees turn colors.
November blue sky
Trees bare-a bit of corn left
Winter is teasing.
fresh picked fields of corn
trees have shed their coats of leaves
waiting for first snow

bugs have met their end
frost has begun its coverup
fall has now fallen




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