TBD on Ning

Private Insurers Claim Baucus Bill Will Cause the Premiums to Go Up Instead of Down

Insurance companies hoped that this would derail the bill since they weren't guaranteed more money coming in mandated coverage, but instead I think they gave Washington a good reason to put the public option back in. These are the same insurers that promised they would work with Washington for reform seven months ago. I think they finally out-maneuvered themselves!

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To me, this is the problem, there are more questions than real answers. It just seems that as the government becomes more powerful the people relinquish their rights in a feeling of helplessness. I recall two exceptions to this, JFK and Barack Obama. The citizens need to feel that their beliefs can be heard. After the death of JFK the nation seem to lose the hope factor. It is too early to know what will happen in the final years of the Obama administration or afterwards.
Mark F. Lamb: "True the insurance companies are trying to derail Obama's NHC."

Mark, you misunderstood me. They are trying to derail the bill that doesn't have a public option in it. In their gallant threat to increase premiums, they are giving the public option more credence. They are cutting off their nose to spite their face. The public option that will kick in if other measures don't work is back on the table.

I agree, there needs to be competition in order foster the best care options, for both public and private providers. It would weed out the worthless policies and practices, either way. But imo, if the competition helps perfect a public option and destroys the private, law of the jungle.
My thought, right or wrong, is why not work towards perfecting a public option and not destroy anything. The law of the jungle is the fittest survive and eat up the weak. Just because an entity is stronger does not mean it is best for the land.

I had some thoughts to add here, but as soon as I started to put them down I realized they wouldn't work. The way I see it no matter which way we go the problems will not be solved. As long as there are polar differences between parties and they aren't going to work together. It makes no difference which side of the coin your party plays it is as unmoving as the flip side. Witness the political parties of all the governments that allow opposing parties. There is no difference between us and the Brits or the Mexs. Some countries have lots of different parties.

Eventually I can see world nations. I can see us tying ourselves to the European and North American nations. I can see the Muslim nations uniting together. I can see the Communist nations uniting together. What will be accomplished? Probably not much. Because even with the demise of Capitalism there are going to Left, Right, and maybe a hundred in-between or more extreme parties. Just about any country you choose to read about you find their government is in shambles and another party is ready to step in to fix the problem. Been that way a long time. Going to continue forever and ever unless someday one of the parties taking the rein of government says to the other party(s) hey we can't do this alone. Come in and help us straighten out this mess. And we all are going to look to the sky and watch pigs fly. And this I truly believe because I am a nut, I am a nut, I am a nut, nut, NUT!




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