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I'm kind of dumbstruck. What do you think?

Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
By VOA News
09 October 2009

U.S. President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo recognized Mr. Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

The committee said it had attached special importance to the president's vision of and work for "a world without nuclear weapons.

In announcing the award, the Nobel committee said that under Mr. Obama's leadership "dialogue and negotiations" are preferred as instruments for resolving "even the most difficult international conflicts."

The committee said the U.S. leader has "captured the world's attention" and "given its people hope for a better future."

It added that thanks to Mr. Obama's initiative, the U.S. is now playing a "more constructive role" in meeting the "great climatic challenges the world is confronting."

The peace prize comes as the U.S. is involved in two wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The prize is worth almost $1.5 million and will be handed over on December 10.

Mr. Obama, who has been in office for less than a year, is the first African American president. His mother was from Kansas, his father from Kenya.


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Cynthia, embryonic stem cells worked a great deal better than other stem cells because they were still "unwritten" so to speak. If an embryo is a "life" to be taken, then shouldn't these people that have embryos frozen be investigated by DCFS for abuse? What kind of parent puts a "baby" in a freezer?

Or these clinics that have accidentally lost, mis-transplanted, or destroyed embryos be guilty of homicide, kidnapping, illegal trafficking of children? Crazy idea, huh? Know why? They aren't living children yet, they're a bunch of cells that don't have a clear purpose yet.

If I give birth to 4 children, and I donate 50 ovum to science, should I feel badly that I didn't raise 54 kids???
Yes I would Obama has given many wonderful speeches.My favorite was the one he gave after 9/11,I also believe the speech that he gave on the day he was sworn in was also a great one.Just because the man gives a good speech does not mean he should have gotten the Noble Peace Prize. As i said before that is what I think.
Death threats I have done that by racist when my son was murdered I know about that kind of hatered but it doesnt mean someone derseves the NPP. See you assume so many things you know nothing about my life expereinces.
It is so much fun to watch those on the political right go apoplectic over Obama's Nobel prize. Wow, totally worth it.
Yay!!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!
How sweet this is! I am happy he received it just to show the Right Wingers that the majority of the world finally has some hope and respect for the good old USA as represented by this president. Finally we have a person who genuinely wants peace. We can no longer continue the gunboat diplomacy because we cannot afford it any longer and it is senseless to have thousands of our young people killed and maimed for questionable objectives, if any.
I think it is pretty awesome and enjoyed reading many of the comments here about it. I've been down with the flu for 2 weeks and the announcement gives me much hope for this crazy ball of wax we live upon. I was a bit surprised that it happened so soon, but I dreamed that Obama would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize not too long ago. I would have to check my journal for the exact date, but I believe it is a very good thing or I would not have felt as I did in my dream. I've been dreaming about politics, elections, etc for the past 9 years. I originally joined the old TBD to post my dream on May 8, '08 that Obama would win the Presidential election and was rattled by the reception I got when I did. So I decided not to post this dream about President Obama back when I had it; I have just been waiting for it to happen. Is there a group on here for closet clairvoyants who want to come out of the closet?
Namaste Everyone ~ I just want to share this article I read in my newsletter. Have a great day. Peace to All ~ Golanv

The Peace Within Obama's Prize

Friday October 9, 2009
Categories: By Valerie Reiss, Current Events
The world is still buzzing with this morning's news that Barack Obama has won a Nobel Peace Prize. The first reactions, including the President's, were of surprise. Then, of course, opinions: "he deserves it," "he doesn't deserve it," "this cheapens the prize," "this is an enlightened decision," "this is the tolling of the apocalypse," and so on.

In the midst of that opinion vortex, the President gave a quickly whipped up, humble speech about peace in the world. One that moved this Quaker-schooled, peace-loving blogger--even though I don't really have an opinion on the "deserving" quotient.

He said, in part: "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize--men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace... And I know that throughout history, the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. And that is why I will accept this award as a call to action--a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st century.

"...this award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity--for the young woman who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace."

For a moment perhaps those of us--conservative and liberal--who sincerely would like to see more peace and less war, and not in a Miss America way, but in an MLK, Dalai Lama, Gandhi way--can drop the did-he-or-didn't-he debate and remember this:

1) There is a prestigious global peace prize that has existed for more than 100 years. In our war-saturated world, this is a rare and beautiful thing.

2) This incredibly controversial decision now has billions of people talking about what it means to earn a prize for peace. Yes, in the vitriol, real conversations about how to define peace--what it is, who creates it, and how--are happening at a level they absolutely would not have had this gone to a lesser known, lower-profile figure.

3) Who knows why they gave it to Obama, really. But to my peace-prone eyes, it looks like a message and a warning--a pre-emptive strike for peace. If there were more grown-up versions of the notes we passed in our silent meetings when I was kid, the one to Obama would say: "Don't forget--you promised hope. Deliver. There's so little time to dally we can't even wait for you to accomplish grand-scale peace. So do us proud. Like five minutes ago. But, like, no pressure." The one slipped to America: "Support him." And to the world: "Give this dude a chance."

Like Obama's campaign itself, this year the Nobel Peace Prize is a reminder to hope--no coincidence there. While we teeter on so many brinks as a human culture, as a planet, it's exactly what we need.


Bless you Jaquin ~ I have never had anyone quite say that to me before. Being a closet clairvoyant working with Republicans was a strange experience indeed, and left me quite wary. I love what you wrote about the way this country has changed basically overnight. This is what I felt in my dream; you describe very well what I saw would come to be as a result of this election. In my dreams I saw quite clearly the words "Era of Responsibility". On the inaugural day I saw these words on my computer screen and President Obama said them is his acceptance speech. I believe those words are very important and will be used in the future to describe this time we are living in now. When the old TBD site closed I copied and saved the dreams I had posted, just in case. ;) I guess I have censored myself quite a bit here, as far as the dreams go, because of past reactions and ridicule. But these dreams were way too cool to keep under my hat. I must admit that the Nobel Prize dream kind of blew me away and I only told my close friends offline. I dreamed that Bush 2 would get a 2nd term back in Dec of '03 and it was a real bummer but I was shown that we would survive it intact. I can't tell you how glad I am to see the final dream in this whole bizarre series come true. I was ecstatic when Obama was elected and still know that we did the right thing as a country. The Nobel is a great honor. I am proud of us and of our President. The only dreams that haven't happened yet are on a personal level. Maybe I will stop dreaming political stuff now that I am not so concerned about bushes; I'm ready for a vacation from politics. The next dream is very cool. I am on a white sand beach by a blue ocean. I saw the dress I was wearing in the dream, bought it, and have had it in my closet for months. I just accepted an invitation to Puerto Rico in Feb and will wear it there. :)




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