TBD on Ning

So many of our members are going through interviews, job hunting, preparing CVs and Résumés - worrying and wondering what they will be asked, how to dress, what to say. Here is a safe place where we can talk about how well - or NOT - the interview went, what is current NOW during the process, new updates on keeping current and hip with your résumé - all about getting that job! Let's help one another succeed! For example - has anyone been subject to the S.T.A.R. question? No? You more than likely will be! Did you know that sending your résumé/cv in word is passe? It should be in PDF format?

I will be posting some great links and tips here, please feel free to do the same. Let's ACE IT!

Tags: CV, Dressing_for_Success, Interview_techniques, Résumé, job_hunting, work

Views: 20

Replies to This Discussion

Oh this is such a good post! I'm not in the least bit helpful here, albeit I suppose I should have some sort of resumé to hand . . . I just know things because I'm an infomaniac .

This is an interesting source of information about proprietary versus open source :

yes, i absolutely recommend OpenOffice, have used it on PC, and it's compatible with all the standard word processing software packages -- WordPerfect/Corel Suite as well as Office/Word etc.
What a CV! WoW! I am honoured to have you here in my (ahem - struggling ...hint hint gang ;) discussion, and am so very grateful you accepted my offer to share with us here. It is often times easier to discuss our health issues than it is to discuss our "looking for work" and needs there of. It's a different level of pride, a different level of being, and oddly enough one where one can feel so much more vulnerable, and frightened.

* I have dealt with the medical (and emotional) triage of severe physical (and again - emotional) abuse perpetrated against women and children (without anywhere near the level of your training and abilities) and can not thank you enough on behalf of all women everywhere for your dedication to what is - to my mind - a very special calling.

Someone (a gentleman friend here on tbd) recently wrote to me ( privately ) that they felt that the group synergy we have on the go here is "very powerful" , and that the fact that we were "sharing so much with each other was inspiring, instructive. and empowering, to men and women alike".

We learn so much from one another, most often more through the sharing of our fears and vulnerabilities than through the sharing of our accomplishments, albeit it is just the flip side - of the same coin.

Please return. We collectively sing your song with you. Envision your best case scenario, and fast forward it, so that all the treads can catch up and sort themselves to be in tune with your vision. It will all come together very soon for you.

By way of explanation:
* My (2nd) cousin is Doctor Without Boarders who has dedicated his life and work to the people of Africa (it's entirely my fault - as my snobby and cranky relatives in Austria and England are wont to complain, sigh). At any rate - I've spent several months at a time over the years working with him in his "M.A.S.H. " like units in more than 30 countries in Africa. Grim, terrible, horrific, no words can adequately describe the difficulties and the wounds inflicted on the women and their children, by men. By war. I learnt what I know on the run as it were. Hence the word "submit" in terms of "to a man" - is quite simply an utter anathema to me. What I have seen men do in the name of "God" (throughout the world) to women makes me feel even doubly so.
Humm . . . I think I should cut/paste this last bit into that other discussion on the go lol! Obviously I've been giving the subject a good deal of thought!
LFF, I believe age discrimination does exist. I felt and was extremely lucky to find my current position at the age of 48 but even then I had one other firm offer and one other very promising prospect. Now at 53, the odds are much more against me and I believe my only future option is self-employment. I'd say if you are under 50, make your move sooner than later.
I am a true believer that if you are meant to get the job you will. As an example, the second to last job I had, I didn't wear a suit, just a skirt and top, and didn't even know about the company and had to ask for directions to get there. But I got the job and kept it until they closed (damn, it was a great position, but I digress.) The last job I had, I word a casual linen suit that got wrinkled, it was hot so I didn't wear nylons (Michigan summers can get hot), but I got the job.

And, this is the funny part, in both jobs I taught resume writing, job search skills, and interview skills, along with other things.

And I found that my clients got the job if they were meant to get the job. And a lot who were qualified and capable didn't - because?????

I'm curious: "And I found that my clients got the job if they were meant to get the job. And a lot who were qualified and capable didn't - because?????"

So your client was meant to get the job because they got it? I mean, instead of getting the job because they were meant to.

Colour me confused.
Yup - having someone in the company really helps. So I stressed to people to find someone to connect with - even if they didn't know someone - FIND someone. That took them out of their comfort zone, but was quite successful - even in our depressed job market.


Yippee! Let's all do a happy dance for Tammy!

tee hee chez! cute cute kitties!
and congratulations tammy!
Great pic.




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