TBD on Ning

So what does all of this speculation mean? Not much, really. But that shouldn’t prevent us from also resurrecting some of the older rumors surrounding the Dark Knight sequel and taking the temperature from those of you reading this. Like, for example, the old Depp as the Riddler doozy. Is this a good idea? A bad idea? Better or worse than the earlier rumor about Eddie Murphy as the Riddler? I think we can all agree that almost anyone would be better in the green question-mark-covered spandex than Jim Carrey was in 1995’s Batman Forever. But who do you have in mind?
And then there’s the role of Penguin. Around the same time as the first Depp-as-Riddler rumors were trickling out, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s name was floated as a candidate for the Caped Crusader’s waddling nemesis. Those rumors have since been shot down, but what do you think about Hoffman as Penguin? Inspired? Ludicrous?
All we know at this point is that we know absolutely nothing. And Nolan is so wrapped up in his upcoming film, Inception, that even he probably hasn’t thought about these questions. The one thing that is for sure, though, is that after The Dark Knight raked in $988 million worldwide--the second-largest historical gross after 1997’s Titanic--this sucker’s going to get made eventually. There’s too much money to be made for it not to.
So let’s hear from you: who would you cast in the next Batman film?

Tags: 2011, Batman, Depp, Hoffman, Murphy, Penguin, Riddler, nemesis, release

Views: 16

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Hoffman as the penguin is a little iffy to me. How about Ralph Fiennes as Mr. Freeze / Dr. Victor Fries and Guy Pearce as The Riddler.
I dig the idea of using Clayface as the villain. it really opens up the options of using a lot of fantastic actors, because Clayface can turn into anyone. That would be awesome. And since we’ve already seen Scarecrow I think it would be great to stick with some of the lesser known rogue’s gallery villains. I'm kind of sick of seeing the same thing played out. I mean, the Joker can be done over and over since he has been his biggest nemesis, but going back over the same villains are just boring. I think they lucked out with Ledger.
I think Depp would be fine as the Riddler, but they need to rethink the character much like they did the Joker. Make Riddler a serial killer sort of like the Zodiac, who leaves riddles about his identity trying to play games with Batman. That allows Batman’s detective side to come out. Also, if they have to do the Penguin, he should appear as Oswald Cobblepot, new boss in town restarting the Mob in Gotham.
I think that there is nobody out there better than Paul Giamatti for the role of the Penguin.
Just putting in my vote for David Tennant as Riddler. Skinny and intense. Or you can go with Daniel Day-Lewis. He's pretty out there.
Tennant? As Riddler? He's real campy dude...better off with Hugh Laurie for Riddler. You know it would be awesome.
So Depp is out? Seemed so sure that he would do it. Who's directing? If it's Burton, Depp's a last minute shoo in.
Angelina Jolie truly would make an ideal Catwoman. Patrick Stewart to play Mr. Freeze. I remember hearing a rumor that he was once in line to play him till Arnold stepped up to the plate and killed the franchise. Actually we should thank Arnold and Joel Schumacher. It led to this revival.
How about Michael Emerson as the riddler? Ben Linus, anybody?
Some of these people I've never heard of. But I do agree with the majority that new villains should be introduced. The next generation should have their horizon's broadened.
I think there’s no need for the Penguin. He’s a caricature of a villain that wouldn’t work in this new revitalized series where the subject matter is more realistic and dark by nature.
The penguin is indeed a bit cartoonish. Maybe they could bring in Firefly, Spellbinder or Blackmask without going too caricatured!
I agree with you Max and WS. There are some real cool characters to choose from: Hugo Strange, Deadshot, Killer Croc, Bane, Firefly, Mr. Freeze, Clayface. But they will have to be real careful not to make them too cartoonish or use too much CGI. This Batman has a realistic setting, even though the stunts can be incredibly outlandish, it's still believable.
And I also agree with Leotin as to the fear of becoming another franchise killer. You do NOT want to be the one! LOL!!!
Hoffman is great in everything he does! I think he would make a wonderful penguin. In my opinion, Depp would be a great Riddler too! Pearce would be a good riddler too! (He has that Frank Gorshin thinness!)




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