So what does all of this speculation mean? Not much, really. But that shouldn’t prevent us from also resurrecting some of the older rumors surrounding the Dark Knight sequel and taking the temperature from those of you reading this. Like, for example, the old Depp as the Riddler doozy. Is this a good idea? A bad idea? Better or worse than the earlier rumor about Eddie Murphy as the Riddler? I think we can all agree that almost anyone would be better in the green question-mark-covered spandex than Jim Carrey was in 1995’s Batman Forever. But who do you have in mind?
And then there’s the role of Penguin. Around the same time as the first Depp-as-Riddler rumors were trickling out, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s name was floated as a candidate for the Caped Crusader’s waddling nemesis. Those rumors have since been shot down, but what do you think about Hoffman as Penguin? Inspired? Ludicrous?
All we know at this point is that we know absolutely nothing. And Nolan is so wrapped up in his upcoming film, Inception, that even he probably hasn’t thought about these questions. The one thing that is for sure, though, is that after The Dark Knight raked in $988 million worldwide--the second-largest historical gross after 1997’s Titanic--this sucker’s going to get made eventually. There’s too much money to be made for it not to.
So let’s hear from you: who would you cast in the next Batman film?

Tags: 2011, Batman, Depp, Hoffman, Murphy, Penguin, Riddler, nemesis, release