TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us...................

Ladyg, Owner
Mary, Manager
Lynn, Bartender

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 83

Replies to This Discussion

Mary, I have you to thank for letting me get a playlist set up on my profile. Marti filtched yours and I filtched hers. so Thank You.
LOL.........so that is how it's happen.......and Ladyg filtched mine too!!!!!!...LOL.......it's all good CJ..(hope u don't mind, I shorten your name, easier for me..:) )

I'm just happy I can help out my friends.....:)
Flitch? Is that a technical term?
Ooops ,... read it wrong....need my glasses!! LOL (damn x-ray vision ain't worth a thing!)

I hope I got this right Buzz

It's OK Mary, I alway have some handy. Seriously dark. lol
Oh Thank you!........I will try and figure out why pic's having a hard time uploading for me...over the weekend....
Nice place you have here LadyG. You allow rowdy behavior in these fine digs?
Whose gettin' rowdy?
Not me




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