TBD on Ning

In keeping with Carmen's group theme, Something I'd like to know about you, Tell something about yourself and then write tag. Anyone in the group may respond at any time. If you would rather not share things of a close personal nature, just keep it casual.

I'll go first.

My favorite color is red.


Tags: friends, fun, humor, relationships, tag

Views: 84

Replies to This Discussion

Hi jan.
My kids tell me I could get lost in a phone booth. LOL
I have no sense of direction.
Hi Carmen...hope all is well with you (((HUGS)))...haven't seen too much of you lately.
Welcome to the group Maggie. Its nice to meet you.
I have a passion for music and dance myself.

I love colors and what they produce....my passion is a beautiful picture with color.
It does Maggie...are you enjoying the last of your summer, or are you home and busy again? Gonna miss your additions on Message Board.
Hi Melly...I keep forgetting to say "tag"....oops!
Autumn is my favorite season. Good morning everyone.

I love to hear people laugh.

I love having Kati and Savannah as my friends. ((((HUGS))))
Reading that last post, written nearly a year ago, as 2010 now closes, I'd like you to know that I got the great pleasure of meeting Kati_did in person this year! We got to see each other twice in 2010 & she's my bestest chickie. She's been a friend through thick & thin, smiles & tears, & delightfully, lots of silliness & laughter! And she's even met my beloved mr. hottie! '-)

Tag! You're it! What would you like us to know about you?

My favorite color is red.




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