TBD on Ning

I have heard it all now!!

President Obama plans to give a speech on CSPAN to be aired in the classroom next Tuesday, a speech encouraging kids to strive in school and to continue their education.

No big, right? Until you put it in the hands of Republicans/conservatives. People are actually threatening to keep their kids home from school to keep their kids from being "indoctrinated". Insane. OOOO, the President wants students to write letters to themselves telling how they can help the President.

I recall Reagan and both Bushes addressing students, TVs rolled into the classroom in order for us to hear the president address us. I remember having to write letters TO the President telling why we respected him. But that's different, right? Because those presidents were...?

Tags: Obama, education, president, propaganda, school, speech

Views: 53

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We need to do something because the madness seems to be spreading.
I think it will be shown that in part it is a natural consequence, I think that is what the research into mass hysteria must show.

We've got too much conspiracy going on, people are getting wind of the various permutations and the effects of it, without being directly exposed, and thus it creates the expectation "o my god, I could be next"

and that produces a certain amount of fear, without even really knowing what exactly there is to be afraid of.

There was just one too many fly-bys by Air Force One over the Statue of Liberty. People can sense it. They are getting agitated and nervous. When that happens, sometimes folks start shooting at ghosts. Kinda like Sara Palin and her comment on Death Panels.

o please god let us have hearings . . .
"what they can do to help the president."

I want to know when teaching children to be patriotic and to support their president became a bad thing? It was strongly encouraged during the Bush administration. We were suppose to support him and give him the benefit of the doubt because anything else would show weakness on America's part to the rest of the world. It would make us vulnerable. At least we could back up our objections to what Bush was doing with facts and verifiable resources.
I saw a VIRGINIA mother interviewed today who said she was worried that her child would be "taught socialism." (if the president's message was beemed in her school). Where is this coming from?Presidents routinely speak tostudents.

GHW Bush did this. RR did this. I think the latter lectured the kids on lowering taxes.
There is somehtingt other at work here, and if it's not racism, I'd like to know what it is. Really, If Hillary had won the presidency, would it have been equally creepy for her, or actually worse? Less bad? I think not.




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