TBD on Ning

I have heard it all now!!

President Obama plans to give a speech on CSPAN to be aired in the classroom next Tuesday, a speech encouraging kids to strive in school and to continue their education.

No big, right? Until you put it in the hands of Republicans/conservatives. People are actually threatening to keep their kids home from school to keep their kids from being "indoctrinated". Insane. OOOO, the President wants students to write letters to themselves telling how they can help the President.

I recall Reagan and both Bushes addressing students, TVs rolled into the classroom in order for us to hear the president address us. I remember having to write letters TO the President telling why we respected him. But that's different, right? Because those presidents were...?

Tags: Obama, education, president, propaganda, school, speech

Views: 52

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I think you just proved my point.
Yes, JaW, this is mean and uncalled for, and surpasses any other nastiness you have written to another human being on these discussions. This is not your finest moment, IMO. Cindy has not said anything that I've not said, but unfortunately, you can't attack me on the lack of education (although I do not know Cindy's educational background). There are a number of our members who are dyslexic or have other impairments, but I don't ever remember you attacking or making fun of them.
Oh my, shame on me, I'm acting like a Republican!

Like I said, my rant is more in defense of having an educated person being called an elitist than an attack on anybody without an education. I'm just playing by the rules that have been laid out before me so many other times. And don't even try to turn what I said around where it's an attack on DD or anybody else. Dyslexia doesn't hinder intelligence, turning your brain off to rational thinking does.
Yes, you have the right to "rant", act like an idiot, behave "like a Republican" (how droll), and get all upset because someone called you, what, an "elitist"? I can think of a lot worse names to be called, but then you are a liberal and you guys use that word like it was dirtier than sh*t. Dyslexia often hinders learning, and many have trouble "catching up". You should know that, I would think. It was uncalled for listing the words that were misspelled, but then if she were physically disabled, I'm sure you would have found a way to make a point with that, also. Just saying . . .

Like I said earlier, until the "black husband" statement, Cindy wasn't saying anything, really, that I hadn't said before her, but she made only a few sentences of it. I took the time and effort to try to explain where I was coming from. Anyway, I know that I've been accused of stuff that just wasn't true, but it did no good to stay and argue about it, even though I knew by leaving that I would set myself up for the nastiness that always seems to follow. Just because we're adults, we sometimes assume that we will no longer see or be bullies, but here we are, seeming to do just that, aren't we?

So, yes, you have the right to rip anyone you want a new one, just for disagreeing, being different, or being stupid. My daughter and others' kids are fighting for your right to do just that, so more power to you!
Judi, more than half the men in my family are dyslexic. I don't even know how dyslexia came into it, oh, other than you trying to make it sound like I was attacking dyslexia.

It wasn't 'someone', but you know that. You've used the word elitist as if it's a dirty word.

And my brother, cousins, and half of the young people that have passed through my house are fighting for your right to act like you do.

I'm still waiting for your logical reason for people to react so strongly to President Obama addressing students when other presidents have done it with out a murmur in the past. You know as well as anybody that I've never resorted to assuming people were racist for disagreeing with our President, but this new protest doesn't have any other logical reason.

I'm ripping now because I'm tired of being ripped on. Not just on these forums, but in general nationwide. You aren't an idiot, please quit acting like your clueless to what has been going on in the world around us.
I can't stand dishonest people. Instead of stating the obvious that their dislike of the current president, they simply running around the bushes. Speaking of most college professors of being librals, can any one of republicans ask themselves why? The most obvious answer seems to anyone - may be they think outside the boxes. I see so many repblicans trashing intellectuals because they don't subscribe to their out dated ideologies. If somebody gets his news only Fox-Tabloids, they would think intellectual means unpatriotic, unamerican or toxic person.
For some peoples, education doesn't do the tricks, because of their inherent dislike of certain groups. The irony is, most of these conservatives claim they are christians and try to live by his teachings, yet the are the ones who stand on the ways of any legislations to help the poors, the disables and peoples who the weakest amongest us.
There was one preacher who passed away few years back. He was baptist but expelled from the sothern baptist because he didn't want adher to their interpretations of the bible. I was brought up as eastern orthodox but this guy was very fascinating, well read. I love to hear him teaching. One day he said I am very certain that if Jesus comes back today, these the socalled conservative christians would reducule Jesus as the Romans and Jews did over 2 thousand years ago. They are way of the core christian values. They see only the negativities of others. Their vocabularies are filled mostly them and us
Though they are minute compare to similarities, they see only their differences.
I ask those conservatives, do you think jesus would advocate killing the women doctors ? Would he dislike certain groups? Do yo think would he be hypocrats like many republicans are judging others and getting caught doing the same thing they are accusing others? Trying to make health care affordable to all citzens are not socialism, I know what "socialism" is, I was suppose lived it. In reality, it never exist , it is just theory. Afordable health care is the right thing to do. Just look at the statstics, to many people get bankerupted, when they get ill. Worest yet dying of treatable illnes, because they don't have insurances. Please, if you get time read about socialism, read about it, it never exists, it can't be done, human nature won't allow it. When you hear or read radio, TV and newspaper pandits talk about socialism you know either he/she is laying or being ignorant.
Finally, one thing I am certain of is that in 15 or 20 years or so from now, the left over bigots of the 50s, 60s and 70s will pass and Ithe new generations see only characters and deeds. I see them all over the countries they are not like their parents or grand parents. I am not saying there will not be any more bigots left, because some parents can't help it but pass their poisons to their offsprings. They will be much less in numbers and they will be marginalized.
Oh by the wayy my husband is black stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
If any of you feel the need to attack someone who is being bigoted, then would it be possible to pick someone who is actually "being" bigoted, and not take your angst out on those that are not? Just because I'm "white", doesn't make me a bigot, and just because I'm "female", doesn't make me naive and stupid, and just because I'm "American", doesn't make me think I'm better than any other culture. To say that I am any of these, based on what one knows of Caucasians, females, and USA citizens is to be just as bigoted as your accusations indicate toward Cindy or any other "whitey". Get this, I respect our POTUS, but I DON'T LIKE HIS FRIENDS, DON'T LIKE HIS LIES, DON'T LIKE HIS LIBERAL VIEWS. Isn't that enough? Why do you guys have to add the race card to the whole thing??? Just because you can, and that, people, is partly why racism continues in our country . . . .
Then tell me oh wise one, why is it that after several presidents have given speeches directed to students, and after so many teachers have instructed their students to write letters of support to presidents, why is it this one must be trying to "indoctrinate" or "brain wash" children into "serving him", as if he were some cult leader? What makes him so much more threatening, and easier to display rude, hateful, gun-toting behavior towards?

You give me ONE logical reason, and I'll recant my deduction that these concerned parents and administrators are just showing their true colors.
ROFL!! Okay. I'm sure you know it all, jacquin. I don't need to fight with you to know what I know. Hate me and mine if you will, but it is going to only hurt you in the long run. Hatred and bitterness will eat you alive.

So, I think this brief social experiment (can a liberal atheist/agnostic have a decent conversation with a conservative/Christian in a highly volatile time in history) has not worked, so I will take myself back over to "We the People" before Mark comes along and accuses us all for "flaming". It was not my intention, but nice discussions with you guys deteriorate so fast, and I can see that short of completely agreeing with you, it will continue to degrade into the name-calling, spluttering, and accusations. Bye, all.
*eye roll*

Yes, because we're all going to assume you're the "norm" in conservative/Christian. You mean it will degrade where I join in on the name-calling, spluttering (finger slip? I'm assuming you were aiming for 'sputtering'), and accusations? Yes, the degradation will occur because I for one am tired of trying to be polite when faced with town hall storm troopers and moronic tea parties.

It was nice seeing you Judi, take care, b'bye now.
Who is hateful here, they guy hasn't been assemble his Cabinet membersyet , when the conservatives started criticize him. so stop this nonsense.




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