TBD on Ning

Our lives can be very stressful. Please share what you do personally to "de-stress" - to relax, rejuvenate and regenerate! Have a favourite food that is a healthy "perk me up" power snack? A terrific quick exercise? A mantra that helps you maintain your equilibrium? Aromatherapy? Kick boxing? ;-D

P.S. Vacuuming?!? Okay - and vacuuming! Come to think on it - I like to iron watching TV. Very relaxing. Yes yes, I still iron things!

Tags: balance, health, stress, vibrancy, well_being, zen

Views: 17

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I'm a firm believer in the power of an afternoon nap when possible - and I have have been practicing yoga and meditation for many years. Both disciplines can be fine tuned over time to help alleviate stress on the spot. One can achieve a level through meditation whereby five minutes of meditation can feel akin to twenty minutes, and certain yoga neck rolls, breathing exercises and stretches can un-kink one's body instantly, leaving you with a clear head, a calmer demeanor, and better focus.
A fine therapy, this, Cindy! That and a good laugh every day are essential.

First thing in the morning, before I get out of bed, a few yoga stretches and little abdo crunches. I love the way I feel when I come back from the gym, where I do a fairly calm circuit, no leaping about. When my back is tired, I like to just roll down and touch my toes, hands flat on the floor, then slowly roll back up again. It gets my kinks out.

Hmmm... besides 72% chocolate... when I'm feeling low, mint tea puts a smile on my face; I love Redbush tea, too, any time. And I eat an avocado a day if possible; it's just a little treat I pamper myself with, and it is good for me.

To be honest, retired and living on my own, I am lucky enough now to avoid a lot of the stress I used to live with. I feel as if I am in better shape now than I was at 50 when I was working.
I take a daily walk....sit in a chair with my cat.....surf on here.....or indulge in some sinfully good chocolate.
De-stressing can be as simple as stretching--or vacuuming and stretching...or vacuuming, stretching, then having a catnap with the cat. :D
I like to create or arrange things when I'm stressed. My favorite stress buster is web designing using html, not a complicated program, and photo editing. Going to the gym or taking a long walk help too. Listening to classical music helps a bit, but isn't sufficient. I sometimes escape into reading historical or modern romance novels. I can read a 300+ pg novel in roughly 2 hrs.
Riding my horse absolutely reduced stress. I miss my horse. My parents always knew that if I “disappeared” after a fight that I’d be out on my horse.

I so agree. I miss riding terribly, and have started to check out stables here in my "new" home. Fortunately N.C. is horse country. I will have to brush up on my Western saddle skills.
Thank you. I love the thrill of a full out gallop on a fine horse. The concentration (in absolute tandem with the animal) it requires is guaranteed to obliterate clap trap minutiae . English seat is akin to bareback - with better control. I've always felt as though I'm in a kiddie car seat when riding Western! But I certainly understand the necessity of the saddle, esp. for ranching and heavy trail riding and as I age, I appreciate the saddle's elevated pommel and the horn! I do feel a tad more secure in a Western seat. I think I will require lessons, as I find it harder to read my horse with all that leather between my bottom and it's back! Old habits also die hard, and there is nothing worse than a confused horse! Other than perhaps a confused man that is! /;-D

I checked out an "English" stable here in Raleigh - the folks were unbelievably snobby. I rolled up in an older car and climbed out in jeans. Then I changed. So - they were sniffy - until they saw my kit, and I picked their most difficult horse with whom to strut. Stupid idiots. I have a marked British accent. I rubbished them. Their horses were in disgraceful condition. (As an aside - a sign of the times, so one would think they would be thrilled to have regular customer and or patron)! Poor horses. :((

They lost my business. AND I complained about them on line. I've been riding since I was seven years old. Dogs and horses were my passion growing up.
Right on! Thanks Sass. I admire your fortitude, the skill that all took, and your amazing upbringing. In my world there is no such thing as "wrong side of the tracks". Just different t'is all ! And yes, that's exactly right - they should sell. I was aghast and in pain for the animals. I asked around. Seems everyone is in dire straights and tatters here in the US. Frightening.

Ah - swimming! Yes Amazon! I envy you the pool! I miss this - swimming.




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