TBD on Ning

Over at We The People, wha'sis'name is paroting something from msnbc to the effect that Schultz thinks the left is ready to dump President Obama.


The underlying premise is that the right just needs to sit back as support for the President implodes.

So WTF? I say . . .

and what I mean is, is this stated assessment from Schultz a reflection of reality? Or is this the only way to bring reason and sense to our table of discourse - by telling ever more lies . . .

Tags: WTF

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You missed my point. I think it is more likely that Schultz is either dreaming, or deliberately lying. But I really am just guessing.
Actually, the confusion was my own fault. What I wrote was:

is this stated assessment from Schultz a reflection of reality?

what I really should have said was more like:

is this stated assessment from Schultz a reflection of what he really believes?

Although I think when I wrote it I thought it probably should be obvious that only a small minority from the left would even dream of jumping ship now . . .

I guess when your own party is in such incredible disarray, as like nothing that's happened in well over 50+ years; when those Family Values folks - honest, moral, upstanding citizens ready to run for President...like Sanford of SC; when the land has anointed a lizard (well, a gnewt is a type of lizard), a prom queen wannabe with a great rack and an empty head, and a loud mouth gas bag who has never once stood for any elected office...you'll grasp any straw in the wind.

Personally, I think the only thing the President needs to cut is the phony "bi-partisan" bull shit from Health Care Reform and plod on without the cRyght.
um, not me.




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