TBD on Ning

I came back to life
when they welcomed me in

We talked, left messages
gave our hearts and our tears

We laughed and we joked
we cared and we poked

Once I had good friends
on the old TBD

Tags: friendship, health, humor, mental

Views: 5

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I hope TuesdaysRuby that we make/can become friends here. May I introduce myself? I'm Debbie aka Sedona7 ; ) Nice to meet you!
Good afternoon Ruby. some of use are still here, its just ahrder to find each other. I know i looked and looked for some folks but could not find some folks. and we do not get kudos and stuff. but i do like this new home as well. I for one have missed you Rudy.
Ruby, you will have good friends again, and as time passes you will find some of your friends re-find you, and in the end you will have more friends than you ever had. All that is needed is for you to be open to friendship and to be out in the world where you can come across people you do not know, and where you can find new and old friends. Do not be sad. Every day is a new day and with each comes the promise of new experiences and new friends. Do not withdraw. Stay available and open and all this will happen. How do I know? A friend told me.
Wow, hi everyone , Emm all you have to do is give me a holler on yahoo, i never see u online....
I cant seem to navigate on here it took me what, a week to find my way back here?
nice to meet you too Sedona,
and yes Cheri, tis so true
and Jon, yes everyday is a new day, but its nice to see some old faces, and not have to start over everday with a new freind....

the old tbd helped me alot....
its almost like the old tbd was the tower of babel, and got knocked down so we would HAVE to start over

again, i am just tired of starting over again and again
Hi TR & Friends...just droppin in to say hello. (Katie/Kt aka Ktulu)...wishing all a wonderous day!




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