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Man at Health Care meeting holds up sign saying "Death to Obama" and "Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids,"

I don't ever want to hear again the right say they aren't racist, they are simply criticizing policy. Bullshit.


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the signs are a bit much, but thats what you get when you threaten the very fabric of this nation I guess.
people are mad, not necessarily racist. and they can and will rise up and toss his ass out of that office..
just watch...
Here cometh the wrath of the patriotic American People.....
It's not parroting.
your an idiot if you don't see it. 40 states have drafted legislation for protection under the 10th amendment.
FOURTY of them....the states are beefing up their national guard troops and equipment as well.
if your standing on Obama's side your standing against America and all she represents.
the people will NOT put up with a communistic socialist government.
they just won't.... never happen
and the more he ignores the populous and pushes his social agenda the more pissed their getting and they are about to snap....
.the states are beefing up their national guard troops and equipment as well.

And why is this necessary. Funny how short the memory of the cRyght is. Jethro GUTTED the national guard and their equipment by tossing them into the shit mixer in Iraq. Case in Point: While the Louisiana National Guard WAS back in the state after Katrina...as an engineering unit, ALL of their equipment had been left in Iraq on Rummy's order...and they had NOTHING but sand bags to help with.

the people will NOT put up with a communistic socialist government.

Well...isn't it nice to know we won't have to then.
I seem to recall having voted for that man. I tentatively plan on voting for him again. Do you really wanna see some wrath?

NO, some are just ignorant racists. It is a federal crime to threaten the life of the President. And the only "tossing" done will be to the remnants of the repuglycants when they try to explain why they fought so hard to keep people under the thumbs of big business.
A bit much? Threatening the life of the president (and his innocent wife and two small daughters) is A FEDERAL CRIME. And, yes, it is racist, plain and simple. They hide under the guise of disagreeing with policy. I don't recall ever seeing a sign saying death to Bush, and Laura, and the twin daughters. The right would have been up in arms over that. Yet, a sign that says Obama is a n-word is protected under free speech and isn't racist. Bullshit.

Just because you disagree with Obama does not mean he is threating the very fabric of this nation. Patriotic people recognize that. Racist people call for the death of the president and his two daughters.

You said "I would expect nothing less but patriotic rebellion from the Good people of this Nation that wish to remain free." So, when people stood up to Bush, why were we called traitors, not patriotic rebelers? Got any good answer to that?
no1toolmkr writes "Man at Health Care meeting holds up sign saying Death to Obama and Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids, is not racist when this president "{He} threaten the very fabric of this nation" by being the first non-white president, it is not the America we know. Though, most of us (whites) haven't benifited having our own kind of presidents. Specially, the last 35 years or so, they systematically dismanteled the Unions, passings laws that advance the very few interests. The clever tactics, they used have been just tossing out some trivial wage issues ( Gay marriage, Aboprtions, and so on) to rally us standing against our own interest. Now, the big health care companies are mudding the real issues about how to procced with reforming the health care system in our country. Please do not get fooled thousands of times. Lets debate the issues how we can benifit all. We spent by far the most for health care services among the developed nations, yet we are near or at the bottom on every scales measured.- infant mortality, life expectancy, number of people with chronic illness, percentage of citzens covered and so on. One thing that should enraged and do something about is. Most, if not 90% of new treatments and medicines are invented and made here, but we still pay more than the Canadians and Europeans for the very same products.
well, a peaceful end is being tried, however if the administration does not back off of socialistic policies that have been tried over and over throughout history. HE WILL BE STOPPED.
It's not the people being war mongers as you put it, they are trying desperately to be heard throughout every town hall meeting and every opportunity to bend their representatives ear. They are trying very hard to be heard, peacefully however, if this administration continues on the course in which it has clearly laid out and make no mistake it is this administrations policies that are dinosaur and ancient in nature. He risks being overthrown as has happened every time in history. The form of government he proposes has been tried over and over and has always failed. the peoples desire to be free has won over every time.
We are a democratic republic of sovereign states. This is the most liberal and free form of government ever known to man. What Barack Obama is trying to do is force a democracy of socialism down our throats.
I would expect nothing less but patriotic rebellion from the Good people of this Nation that wish to remain free.
Reminds me of a conservative friend I have. I asked him once what he considered socialist. He replied "anything that doesn't benefit me directly". He was dead serious. I stopped taking anything he said seriously after that.
Wow, truly amazing breed of Americans capitalism can create, HUH?
Mark, I think you hit the nail on the head with your statement! Oh, and those are the people who call themselves "Compassionate Conservatives" also! I think they own 99% of all the hypocracy in the world on so many issues!
The repelicans have you completely brainwashed.




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