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Just last week Beck lost 4 major advertisers.

Could people be wising up?

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Because it panders to the bases emotions of people, because Americans are becoming less willing to think for themselves and would much rather be feed BS than reality. Because the average American has little to no knowledge of the world outside of there own backyard and Fox treats them as if they are intelligent, what a joke.
you don't actually watch it do you.
they've interviewed elected leaders from several countries including Canada, great Britain, Australia and several others bringing viewpoints from around the globe on health care and other issues, they always have speakers representing both left and right view points if possible and are very careful about what is opinion or fact. they make no presumptions unless they tell you its their presumption. And most importantly they don't call anyone names or slander people or our representatives...
and heres the biggie....
they're not calling grandma and grandpa a hysterical mob..
you want to see what a hysterical mob looks like look at the liberal Acorn and ACLU union nut jobs.
and people are intelligent, they are capable of seeing the truth of the matter. especially our elders who have lived and have seen what happens when a government adopts a social agenda,
they know, it's never ended well. In fact it's always ended in tyranny. And it seems thats exactly where were headed..
In fact it's always ended in tyranny.

So, um, why is it that of the major acts of random violence over the last, say, 30 years have been - or so it seems - a major benefit to the hard right wing? eh?

little manchurian candidates going off on shopping - I mean shooting - sprees . . . and they all lean right
As a matter of fact, today's Burlington Free Press has an article indicating that General Electric is very upset that FOX associated them with a federal investigation into American companies selling IED parts to al Qaida and the Taliban which then kill U.S. troops.

It seems GE doesn't make any of the parts that have been sold.

FOX has confidential sources don'tcha know, yet according to GE those sources haven't been very accurate.

And I'm certain I read somewhere recently that FOX ratings were down, resulting in a loss of revenue, and yet they remained indifferent.

They are tied in with the S.I.C. bastards, I just know it. It's all going sidewayz . . .

Now for a little push
now who's drinking the Kool-Aid....
If thats all you got I know we can get into the blather I mean Dan Rather story. and the sheer silence of the town halls until if became impossible to ignore. and how about reporting 3 or 400 people at a tea-party when in fact it was something like 8500... silence is golden you know...
this list goes on and on provable false and made up stories...
GE can get mad all they want. I bet they are making parts that are being used. maybe deliberately maybe not. research it and lets see what you come up with. but I bet you won't find a hint of it on the other networks. just too bothersome to do so and it might be accurate and we cant have that now can we.....
Fox is so far ahead of the other networks in revenue, advertisers and just plain the truth.
they're freakin out.
didn't dan rather just ask for a bail out or something. Oh yea he wanted the government to look into it.
how does that play into the rights of a free press?
"independent news source on the globe."

This is a joke yes? Said with the utmost sarcasm? Tongue in cheek? Mentioning Faux and "news" in the same sentence elicits hidden smiles....light chuckles...and outright belly laughs. What a hoot!
You consider one of the largest media empires in the world a 'independant news source'? Wow.

Google 'Fox Fake News'...you'll get over 1.4 million hits. Why is Fox #1? Simple, they are playing the fear card, which, sadly, many people buy into.
Fox is still number with the people. The report said" that it is believed " not that they knew for sure.Wonder why every forgets that.
You left out a NUMBER Cyn...I'm guessing #1. Perhaps its the same reason that the most widely circulated "news magazine" in the country...printing more than 4 million copies a week...is the National Enquirer. For some reason, as a nation, we cannot turn away from a car wreck.
whats hilarious is all the attack on the validity of Fox news is likely to drive their rating up even further...
Look you idiots...
ya don't get to be number one in a free market selling snake oil....
you get to be number one in a free market by being the best, and that is the only way...
It's not snake oil they are selling.
just an occasional book or a bill Oreilly door mat or something.....
Fox news is an international corporation owned by several entities.
Why, do you think Rupert Murdock is some sort of neo con or something?
They do better at presenting the news than any other news organization.
I like their fair and balanced approach. although skeptical of it usually.
and the female anchors, whew.. their hot....
Rupert Murdoch owns the Weekly Standard, the neoconservative journal that employed key figures who pushed for war in Iraq. Yes, he is a neo-con. He doesn't hide that fact.

Murdoch put George W. Bush cousin John Ellis in charge of Fox's Election Night vote-counting operation in 2000. Fair and balanced? Yep.

Watch Beck's birthday 'wishes' to Obama.... http://www.thefoxnation.com/president-obama/2009/08/04/watch-becks-...

An absolute insult.




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