TBD on Ning

Have you ever notice that when it comes to talking about people with a little extra weight--the only talk of the town is how to lose it? Everybody and thier hound dogs knows how to lose 100 pounds within 24 hours--just by sleeping it off, or some other crazy methods they want to sell u. It is major business with diet pills and hollywood stars and yadda, yadda, yadda.
My question is why make such a crime out of it? Why not acknowledge that some people actually do not look half bad being a little plumper? Look at Rachel Ray! I happen to think she is gorgous! And of course Wyonna to me is quite a sexy woman as well!!! Considering the fact that there are more obese people now then ever before in our history...wouldn't it be nice to have a society that starts seeing the beauty in BBW-s--as well as they do with a gal who wears a size 4 dress while also wearing a size 50DDD bra???

Tags: bbw, good, looking

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I could not agree more! however, people are people and most want everyone to 'fit' into a catagory that is acceptable to the rest of us. i may have mentioned that i am a bit of a chubby chaser. if woman is the bean pole type of woman she is going to be much more critical of the normail woman of the world. you mentioned rachel ray, you are right in that she is wonderful looking and stood in the right lines in the boobs department. wyonna is another that is very attractive. there is that woman on 'the ghost whisperer' that is overweight too. very attractive. there are so many women that are knockouts at a normal to above average size. i can not imagine any of these women being a size 4 or there abouts.

my stepson is in the dating pool and we refuses to look at normal sized women. i feel so sorry for him. he has this image that i know will someday change. i did as i got older, and learned more of the world.

besides, the much more positive attributes of larger women: they are much more realistic when it comes to that thing called perfection, they are much more accepting of things in the world. and on a strictly personal note, bigger women have fewer bones to 'pock' me when whe are in the throws of passion. particularly hip bones.maybe that is why i became more of a chubby chaser (sorry),
This society has become so body conscious! I had a mother tell me the other day her 9 year old was telling her 6 year old sister she needed to eat less or she would get fat. The 9 year old's friends were talking about who's fat or how there swimsuits look on their friends at pool parties. It's insane!!!!
Not every man wants a skinny rail. I know I don't. I guess I should have been born in the 40's cause in the 50's women with curves were the starlets. I'm tired of gay fashion designers telling real men what we are supposed to think of as attractive. Just because they want boy looking people to have sex with doesn't mean I do!


For you two wonderful men!
Do you realize that not all good looking women qualify for 50 DDD. Besides, I think you are a lucky guy that Rachel Ray did not hear you mention her name rather close to 50DDD. Don't worry, I am not going to tell her.
I think u miss the point. I am not saying all women should have 50DDD. I am saying that the 'beautiful people' image is a skinny gal with 50DDD--while a chubby gal should not fit the image. I think it should be the opposite. i don't think 'chubby' gals should be put down or made to feel less like aperson because of the extra beauty weight!!! I think taht BBWs need to be recognize as some of the most beautiful women on the planet--and should be in on the runway shows--instead of someone who forces herself to starve to death in order to get into a size 4 dress!
Have-a-Heart, I was kidding with you about Rachel Ray, lighten up, man. Yes, we are aware that we a beautiful and thank you.
LOL, i think that under the circumstances of the notes she would understand. afterall, what we are saying is that larger (normal sized) women are the best.

a bit of trivia for you: the bust size and waste size of beauty through the centuries has not changed except in the last few years. that ratio has always been 0.7 %. by that, the waste size is 70 % of the bust size. now that ratio has moved slightly and i truly beleive that it will swing back to the classical 70%. because more than that magic number a women is considered fat. less than that and a woman is considered to skinny and that is where we are currently.





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