TBD on Ning

In keeping with Carmen's group theme, Something I'd like to know about you, Tell something about yourself and then write tag. Anyone in the group may respond at any time. If you would rather not share things of a close personal nature, just keep it casual.

I'll go first.

My favorite color is red.


Tags: friends, fun, humor, relationships, tag

Views: 84

Replies to This Discussion

I love the Phantom of the Opera, POINT OF NO RETURN best!

Butler could melt anyone in that scene.
I know its odd for a girl but I love cars.

I love being around friends. Thats why I love TBD so much.

Hi wayne. I think that the fact that we don't get alerts to discussions in our groups makes a big differance. And we can't follow a group discussion like we could before. But we are getting use to it.
I do like the chat feature. And I do like the buddy poke.
I have never met anyone from tbd wayne. Hope to some day though.
I don't know. It just hasn't happened yet.
I do have alot of good friends here though.
Old black-and-white TV westerns are my favorite thing to watch.

I love taking walks with my daughter and throwing rocks in the neighborhood creek.

I love Audrey Hepburn, the embodiment of class!
One of my favorite actors is Morgan Freeman. I'll list others later.
I love to watch Dancing With The Stars.
Ok I know some people think thats lame. But I love watching the professional dancers dance.




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