TBD on Ning

              I am starting a new thread here mainly for purposes of my own catharsis. It is my intention, at least at this point, to make regular contributions. Of course, if anyone else has anything to add, they are more than welcome. If you have any input, please contribute.

              Over a year ago I decided to deal head-on with my self-diagnosed adult attention disorder, (ADD). The inability to stay focused was becoming too stressful. I found myself sitting around watching the clock tick, yet I couldn’t keep “on task” with any project I started. Nothing was getting done and just starting something was becoming depressing.

              The smart thing to do was probably to get professional help, so instead I decided to try to heal myself, at least as a first try. Cognitive therapy and pharmaceuticals (UGH) might be the approved way to go but I decided to try meditation first.

              18 months and countless self-help books later, I still can’t bring myself to a regular, formal meditation program. But, along the way, I discovered informal mindfulness. Yes, I know it is the “Fad” right now. It is hard to navigate modern social trends without “tripping over” somebody extolling the benefits of mindfulness.

              Let me add my voice to the chorus.

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"NOTE TO SELF: It's rarely as personal as it seems. What others say and do is mostly because of them, not you. So let their opinions inform you, don't let them limit you."  Marc and Angel Chernoff

"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition; if you want to know your future life, look at your present actions.” ― Sogyal Rinpoche

"Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Play with abandon. Listen well. Choose without regret. Do what you love. Appreciate your friends. Act as if this is all there is." -- J.N.Kemsley

"Our attempt to master the world from outside is a vicious circle in which we shall be condemned to the perpetual insomnia of controlling controls and supervising supervision ad infinitum."  ~  Alan Watts

"As we respond to our own pain with more presence and compassion, the energy we have for responding to the pain of others increases dramatically, as does our sense of connection and care." ~ Sharon Salzberg

"You can save yourself from a lot of suffering by simply not overreacting to things."  ~  Daily Zen

“Trying to build a life where you never experience bad feelings is like building a ship that can’t handle a storm.” ~ Neil Strauss

"Sometimes I forget how rich I am. My hot water works on a dime, my a/c works when need it to, I can go to any grocery store and purchase what I please to eat, I have a clean kitchen to cook in, I have a clean shower to bathe in. Sometimes I forget I'm beyond blessed."  ~  Tiny  Buddha

"The spiritual life is not an escape from mundane life, but a transformation if it." ~ Naomi Ozaniec

"Thoughts simply aren’t facts, they are mental events that pop up in the mind and are dependent on our mood." ~Elisha Goldstein

"Amidst life’s ups and downs, we can have an inner okayness. That’s one of the great lessons of meditation. I can’t make life peaceful, but, with practice, I can learn to be at peace with life."  ~  Jason Garner




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