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How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Did you cook, travel, stay home or have company?

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We stayed home and had a quiet Thanksgiving, just the 2 of us, very nice. Wish we could do the same for Christmas but the whole family's coming here.   ("…[T]he [winter] holidays…[are], as my friend Connie says, 'an annual festival put on by women for the enjoyment of men and children.'  ~~from Yeah, No. Not Happening: How I Found Happiness Swearing Off Self-Improvement and Saying F*ck It All—and How You Can Too by Karen Karbo)

How was yours?

Debbie and I got together with some of her family from 4p.m. until the wee hours. It was a nice evening out.

My son and I had a quiet day alone.  We were supposed to go to my younger son's house, but they got COVID so we couldn't go.  I made a small turkey, and a couple sides, and baked a pumpkin pie.  We watched our first Christmas movie of the season, and had some wine.  We will be going to my younger son's this coming weekend instead.  And we are travelling to IL and IN for Christmas.

We had a small turkey breast and a couple sides since it was just the 2 of us. And decided to bake a pumpkin pie, bought a Marie Callendar frozen pie (which is supposed to be a good brand, I thought) but when I opened up the box to put the pie in the oven, this is what I found (and the box and the plastic on the pie itself didn't look like they had been opened and re-sealed):

If that half of the filling had just leaked out of the pie somehow seems like it would've been inside the box but no and it also seems like if it was just a leak there wouldn't have been that straight cut across half the pie, looks to me like it was cut with a knife and then sealed up that way.

And of course I no longer have the receipt for it and don't remember what store I got it at, but I guess I could contact the manufacturer. 

I fixed a turkey dinner for 4....was supposed to be 5, but one friend was feeling unwell and couldn't make it. Cooked a 15# turkey, the smallest I could find, did 3 sides, a cranberry salad, and made a pumpkin pie. Wasn't sure I had another Thanksgiving dinner left in me, but apparently I did. The remains were laid to rest with turkey enchiladas last night and some turkey barley soup in the fridge.

So now I need to concentrate on some baking for Christmas...do have 3 different cookie dough recipes in the freezer to bake, so have a start. I did some minimal decorating for the Holidays on Sunday while the weather was decent for hauling boxes in and out. Weather has been strange...61 degrees today which is not normal for NW MT, but no complaints. When it does snow, I'll have a Snow Joe snow thrower for the heavy stuff on the parking pad. I assembled it myself and its ready to go.

Officer Ripley, I'd contact the manufacturer and Email them the picture...They may send you a coupon for a free pie...

Yeah, I think I'll do that. Marie Callendar is usually a pretty good brand, but you never know any more.

I was invited to my sister's house for lunch on condition I bring my sweet German rice. Just nine of us. Normally about 23 people. Invited to my son's in-laws that night. Met with my sons and grandson on Friday. Teddy Bear dance on Saturday. Polka show on Sunday.

We had dinner at my daughters and everything was good. 




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