TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Not that creative.

You used household things at hand, like scarves, for masks

Nope. I bought 'em.

You often dreamed of flying as a kid.


You dreamed of walking on water

I don't think so. I LOVED being in water so I probably swam underwater for miles in my dreams, like a mermaid.

You loved climbing trees.

Yes. I was fearless

You have a family Scottish tartan. (I don't, but I just love those wonderful plaids).

I do. Several actually. (Btw, if you have Scottish blood, you can wear the Royal Stewart tartan.)

You'd love to wander in the Highlands of Scotland.

(I love the black watch plaid, and I always have at least one red plaid flannel for the cold months)


You have done such wanderings as you describe 

(I love the Black Watch plaid too! I gave Draughn a flannel shirt from L.L. Bean's in that tartan.)

Very sadly, no. It was something I'd always hoped to do.

There are many things in life you dreamed of doing but never had the chance to do.

A resounding yes.

You have a daily routine you usually stick to 

No. Never have. Except, of course, the work cycle and baby cycle.

You find it's a good idea, now, to put your medications in a weekly pill holder.


You have a big jar you put change in

Yes, although I never use actual money anymore.

You have a recording of John's voice.




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