TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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walk, run, kick, dance 

Mouth: miss, vesper, thistle, pile 

kiss, whisper, whistle, smile

Arms: thug, hex (men usually), shift, blow

hug, flex, lift, throw 

Fire - feat, choke, dashes, claims

heat, smoke, ashes, flames

Water: caves, nipples, vault, creche

waves, ripples, Salt, fresh 

Wind: lentil sneeze, tail horse (speed), sinned kerfer, pinned-type

gentle breeze, gale force, wind surfer ?, windpipe ?

Types of earth/soil: slay, tanned, foam, quilt

clay, sand, loam, silt

Older male actors: Falcon MacPowel (English), Mom Tanks, Bobbert Bedfurd, Ryan Danston

Malcolm McDowell, Tom Hanks, Robert Redford, Bryan Cranston

Languages: Mannish, Trench, Rap-the-knees, Shy-bees 

Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese

Politicians: Goofoff Clowniani, Ronald Frump, Pom Rotten, Witch McDonald

Rudolph Giuliani, Donald Trump, Tom Cotton, Mitch McConnell

Some political good guys/girls: Hoe Widen, Camel-huh Ferris, La-clock O'-mama, Ferny Panders 

Joe Biden. Kamala Harris, Barrack Obama, Bernie Sanders

Things to hug : rabies, a willow, a shoved hun, a freddy spare

babies, a pillow, a loved one, a teddy bear (These were sweet!)

Things to slap: four bee, a trace, a got-'em, a smelly




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