TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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No. I liked horses, but no figurines

You took riding lessons at a very early age. (Ponies or horses)

I did (horses), and never really stopped. lol

You have milked a cow (or goat).

No, have watched others 

You have bought fresh eggs straight from the local farmer


You've had at least one episode of sleep paralysis in your life.

Not that I know of

You have had measles and all those other childhood diseases, before they came out with vaccines

I think so, but I can't remember.

When you were a kid, most of the salads were made with iceberg lettuce.


There was a fruit salad with marshmallos you liked.

As a kid, yes!

You feel awe watching a beautiful sunrise. 


You favor the swimming and diving events at the Olympics. 

Yup. And dressage and fencing. 

You have a favorite mug. (Did I already ask you this? Hahaha!)

Yeah, all my favorite mugs break

You have heard wonderful things about Nebraska from people who love it. (I have been hearing from such folks lately.

Oddly, I have.

You "lose" your glasses all over your home.




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