TBD on Ning

Anybody out there? This summer has been too hot, and already too long. 100 degrees today...in NW Montana? Enough, already. The yard is the color and crunchiness of corn flakes, except for the Canada thistles which remain green despite being hit hard with Weed B Gone. The petunias are scraggly, though the marigolds seem happy. I did get new wiper blades at O'Reilly today in the expectation that it may rain again in my lifetime...last measurable rain was on 6/30. Going nowhere and doing nothing as it's too hot to be outside in the heat and smoke after about noon, but it does cool down 30 to 40 degrees overnight and there is NO humidity, so I get out by 7 and water what needs watering and do anything that I feel like doing, which is mighty little, though I try to keep the birdbath filled, so the deer have something to drink.

Hope everyone is having a good summer. It totally sucks here.

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It's always been hot here but for probably the last 5 years, it's smoky too. Seems like there's always a fire burning somewhere. And now wells are going dry. Heard on another site from somebody else in Calif. that they were quoted a price of $80,000 to drill a new, deeper well  and that it'd probably be a year before it could be done.

Hey, officerripley, I see you're in Chico, definitely toasty there. My daughters are in Sacramento and Redlands, and I've been content here because I don't like heat, but this summer has been something else..actually was 101 here yesterday, so I guess I could go back to CA and not notice the difference. It MAY rain tonight and tomorrow, but not holding my breath. Most of our smoke is from CA, OR, and ID, but there are some fires here, but nothing closer than 50 miles.

Hi, MTwoman; yep our heat has been worse than ever; starting about 10 years ago I guess, we never cool down at night even anymore. Used to, by no later than about 10 pm, we could turn off the AC & open windows; there'd maybe be only 1 or 2 nights a summer we couldn't do that; now there are only 1 or 2 nights a year we can.

Well you take care and stay out of the heat and smoke as much as possible.

Mostly hot and muggy here in Ohio  but the evenings are beginning to be cooler. Hot here is only around 90 +/- 5 degrees. We have had threats of violent storms, but mostly they have bypassed us this year; just enough rain though.

The weather report from NW  Montana certainly comes at the right time for me. My youngest daughter, who lives in San Diego county, just asked me if I knew the weather in Montana because she didn't know how to pack for a trip. It seems she has friends that invited them to their cabin somewhere near Flathead Lake.

PTB, tell her to go online and check the weather...changes frequently. Right now it's 70 degrees and a little humid...not OH humid, and as an OH native I know what that's like, but it did rain last evening, about 1/3" which is better than nothing. She'll need something warm, like a jacket or sweatshirt for the cool evenings (will drop to 56 tonight), but the usual summer clothes should work. It's still smoky off and on and there is a fire on the east side of the lake, but more rain is in the forecast for today. She'll have a good time, smoke or not, and after the next few days of 90's, hopefully we'll get back to normal temps. Hope this helps.

We have had the most summer rain I can remember on the farm in Texas. Temps have also been lower.

We have whole house air conditioning, but generally don't rely on it until extreme heat sets in. Probably thats not the most energy efficient plan  but neither of us really like AC. Well, with a weekend of temps sitting in the 90's, Josi broke down and turned it on only to find it inoperative. Long story short, now that it has been repaired, the weather broke and we have rain and bearable temperatures.

It’s been very hot here and even in the 100s later! Missed you all and trying to start coming in more often.

Still hot...93 yesterday, but it did rain .6" on Sunday, so got out on Monday and went after the thistles again with Weed B Gone...they're looking a little droopy, so hope it's working. A few more days of 90's then maybe back to normal by Monday and that will be it...fingers crossed. I want to make pickles tomorrow, but if it's going to be 90, may hold off. At least it's not smoky today.

I've been checking the "real feel" aka heat index. Within the last week it was 106 for two days and 103 and 104 on others. It finally cooled down a bit starting yesterday. I'm in northern N.J. I only have to go out to take the garbage to the dumpster, walk to the supermarket or walk to the post office. I either do those things earlier in the day or wait for a cooler day.

Another cold front came through with some rain, but much less than predicted...less than 1/4", sad to say, but did clear out the smoke for now. In the 60's today and 45 overnight, and will stay in the 70's for a while which really suits me. Sick of the heat.

Monsoon season here in Onio. Seems like heavy rain every day. Lightening & thunder too. But still quite warm. Very strange August.




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