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What's been happening in your life lately?

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A dedicated effort to downsize my inventory of unnecessary possesions.  When I retired, we moved to a one floor residence with less yard work. I should have let go of all my junk then, but instead hauled it all to the new house with the intention to take my time and go through it all little by little. Six years later, its all still stuffed into the garage, attic and basement., and plans to move again are being formalized. Stuff's got to go! New residence will Sparten for storage space and 2,500 miles away. Anybody need 3 unused crockpots?

Today, actually, I will be organizing boxes of old family photographs to be passed on to my oldest daughter and her oldest son. I will be weeding out duplicates and scanning many to digital storage. My grandson (a brand new father himself) has asked me to prepare as many written recollections of these people as I can. But some of these photographs are of people who witnessed the Civil War. I even have letters written from the Andersonville prison camp.

P.S. Thank Lilrain for opening a venue for me to rant

This is very cool PTB!! All of it....that you're finally going to get rid of so much stuff, that you're moving, that you are a "new" great grandfather, that your grandson is interested enough in his ancestors to want more information on them and that you have those vintage letters. Best of blessings on your purging and move.

Other than roasting in my un air conditioned house in 100 degree temps...not a heck of a lot. Its not that bad, really, since it cools down 35 to 40 degrees overnight and I have plenty of fans, but it's not normal for here, so getting tiresome.

My daughter, SIL, and grandson were here last week for 5 days and fortunately the weather was around 80 degrees. We couldn't go to Glacier NP because you now need an advance ticket to go on the Going to the Sun road to reduce the congestion there and we couldn't get one...actually the pass didn't open until the day they left, so OK with it. We did go down to the National Bison range for a day and saw a lot of bison, a large herd of cow elk and a few bulls, as well as a bear rambling up a hillside. Lots of wildflowers still in bloom, too. Other days we went to a couple of breweries and a distillery and we had a mini family reunion with my nieces and their families that live west of here...a chance for the teenage 2nd cousins to meet for the first time. All in all, a great visit.

Just want this heat to abate so I can get out and mow the lawn..don''t want to be doing it at 7 in the morning, but can't take the heat later.

My family of robins fledged on the 23rd, though one was reluctant to make the leap, but finally got up his nerve after bouncing up and down, much chirping and wing flapping.

I had three very good doctor appointments over the last couple of weeks...PCP, podiatrist and gastroenterologist. My primary care doctor actually spent an hour with me. My podiatrist is always a kick (pardon the pun). He is so nice to my feet. Scheduled my colonoscopy for next month. Most of my tests were very good, my BP was 120/ 80 and 120/78. 

Tomorrow will make a week that my son, granddaughter and I stayed in Atlantic City (A.C.) for a couple of nights because my granddaughter had orientation at Stockton University early the following morning. It took place at the Galloway campus but we're praying she'll reside in the A.C. dorms which are a block or two from the ocean. Her mom couldn't come because my youngest grandson went to camp the day before, got sick and had to be picked up. The parents also had "orientation" separate from the students. It was very enlightening and quite a pleasant experience for all of us.

A couple of days ago, my son finally got back over here to work on our music projects. We worked on one song in Garage Band (digitally) and another which is on my instrument. I worked on the Garage Band song a little more today by trying out different sounds for a particular track. In addition, I've been trying to catch up with my social networking and some of my T.V. shows.

Diva, good luck to your granddaughter on that college experience. Exciting times for her.

Thank you PTB. 

Brace yourself, OED, for tropical storm Else to hit your area tomorrow.  It rained all day and into the evening with heavy winds also.  The winds are still going with gusts at times.  It'll go up to 90 again when the sun comes out.  Nice that you got to go to AC for a stay.  We didn't go anywhere last year due to Covid so we're hoping to go this Christmas.  We'll see.

Well Wendy, we've had a few storms but things didn't get as bad as expectedin our general vicinity....at least not that Im aware of. Some areas in Jersey and NY had terrible flooding though, even before Elsa came through. Seems like every other day there's a thunderstorm now. It rained very heavily a couple of days ago. Take care and stay safe where you are.

Still hot and dry here...not as hot as say, Palm Springs, but 10 degrees above normal for NW MT. Hazy, too, from smoke drifting in from OR and ID. It was 52 this AM, but will be 94 by later today....too hot for me, so outside stuff gets done by no later than 10 AM. Rain would be a blessing. It does help that there is always a breeze and the humidity is only 22% today

Still hot, dry, and hazy/smoky...ugly summer. However, the raspberries are getting ripe...so that's something.

it's been hot and sunny for the past week, but it started to rain a bit last nite and today it's showering off and on.  Not much going on here, went shopping at Sam's Sat - spent the normal $200.  It's really not a lot as we only go once every 3/4 months.  Had bought a bag of plumbs while there and found out it was my turn to make dessert for our Sunday nite domino game, so I made a plumb crisp - turned out pretty good.  Our dog has a vet appointment later this afternoon - just a check up for the most part - she loves riding in the truck and she knows when it's Sunday and prances around wanting to go with us when we play dominos.  I have an eye appointment tomorrow where I get my routine shot, then have crafts to do at the senior center.  Last month we painted different size blocks with stars and strips on them - each one different than the other with a rope sticking out from the top to represent a firecracker.  They turned out great and Rich put a finish on them so they could be put outside with damaging them.  Not sure what we'll make this week.    Since we are having rain, the temps are down in the 70's , a welcome relief from the 90's we have been having all week.




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