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Remember when most people had a front porch? Wonder where they went?

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I heard that they mostly quit putting them on new houses shortly after World War 2. The "reason" was supposedly that the new suburbs being built had to go up fast because of all the returning guys from WW2 were looking to buy so they didn't have the time/$ to put porches on. But. I read a couple of years ago about an old office building in Chicago that was being demo'd and they found some old paperwork down in the basement which included a copy of a letter from the CEO of the corporation that was in the building at the time, in the late 40s or early 50s. The letter was to at least one of the property devel. companies slapping together a lot of the new suburbs and praising them for *not* putting front porches on their houses. The Chicago CEO said something along the lines of, "I know you guys aren't putting front porches on your houses mainly because of time and money, but you're sure helping me out. These guys working for me bitch enough as it is when I transfer them to another facility about every 6 months and I sure don't want them or even their families making friends with the neighbors so they might gripe even more when I move 'em. So keep up the good work and keep the porches off the houses!"

I love front porches!  The house I raised my kids in had a big one, and we were always out there.  I even had my kids' birthday parties out there.  I see on the remodel shows I watch on HGTV that most people want front porches.  Several of the townhouses in our neighborhood have porches....but I never see them being used.  I have lived here 15 years, and still don't know any of my neighbors.  Sad.

I heard another reason why they quit putting porches on houses (or people quit using the porches they had) was that once air conditioning was installed in more and more houses, people didn't need to sit out on shady porches in the evening any more to catch a cool breeze, they just stay inside in the air conditioning.

There's probably a lot of sense behind that theory. But I pass houses every day down here with big beautiful porches.....with no one out there....not even kids. It hasn't been that hot here.....yet.

Before we moved we had a big front porch and used it regularly when the kids were growing up. the new house has a small one, just big enough for two chairs and Josi and I occasionally enjoy it, but there is a lot of traffic noise here. We have considered rebuilding it bigger, but probably will not stay much longer in this house. It has a very nice backyard patio and we appreciate the privacy.

There are still houses around here that have front porches but don’t use them like everyone did way back when. I have a small porch enough for 2 chairs and a table but I haven’t sat on my porch in a years.

We have one but don't use it. We use our newly built side and back porches all the time, much more privacy.

I have a front porch, but don't use it. Getting out there is a challenge trying to keep the cat from making a break for it. When my husband was alive we used to eat dinner out there on warm nights, unless the yellow jackets were a problem, and the mosquitoes will eat you alive in the evenings until later in the summer when everything is dried out. I will get everything cleaned up before my daughter and family come the end of the month, just in case. I preferred the patio in CA...more privacy. 

I love porches but it just isn't safe to sit out there in a lot of areas.  That is sad.  I do enjoy my back patio though. 

In our neighborhood, there are no "blocks".....just squiggly streets and cul de sacs. So our group of townhouses form a sort of teardrop shape....with our back yards all in a loop, facing each other. So much for privacy! And our deck is separated by our neighbors' deck by 4 feet! Luckily, our new neighbors are very private people and never use their deck....or yard. But we know when any neighbor is cooking out....who's having a party.....who's got visitors staying with them.....and who's catching some rays in their bikini. ;-) We would actually have more privacy on a front porch, since there's so little traffic and everyone is either behind closed doors or in back on their deck.....but, alas, all we have is a stoop.:-(

I do. We have a lot of older houses in my city that still have front porches. A lot of the city has apartment buildings now though.




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