TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I do--as long as it's cool outside.

You grow lots of herbs.

Used to. Still could. I suppose,  if I could get around better

You once started herb seeds in empty egg shells

Yup! A long time ago.

You watched the original Dark Shadows on TV when you could.

Sounds familiar, but I dont remember 

You listened to The Shadow on the radio 

(Dark Shadows was a ground-breaking monster/vampire "soap opera" in the 60s.)

I did!

Sometimes, now, you listen to old radio shows while you're working. (My local NPR station plays them at times.)

Haven't had the chance lately. But would like that. 

You sometimes order stuff you need, online or by phone and have it delivered 

Yes. That's the way I have to get everything I need.

At some point, you owned a 4-wheel drive vehicle.


You once owned a truck


You have seen an Amish person driving a horse and buggy in real life.

Yeah. John's cousins lived near Lancaster County at one time 

You have seen someone riding a unicycle on the street. Not in the circus

Weirdly, yes. ツ

You and John rode a tandem bicycle at least once.

Nope. I would have liked that, though

In the canoe, you did half of the rowing




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