TBD on Ning

  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

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I guess I'd stay where I am...quite content.

McKinleyville, CAlif.


At this point I will just stay put, I dislike moving.

I'm comfortable where I am and I think I'll stay here.

Other than where I am in NW Montana, maybe the central coast of CA, like Morro Bay, or somewhere around Taos NM. But I'm happy right here.

I am also happy where I live but I would say Switzerland where my husband liver when he was little

It would be nice to live on an island but it would be too far from my family. I'm currently watching episodes of Caribbean Life and it looks like such a wonderful lifestyle. I don't have a particular place in mind however.

Somewhere where there is an abundant supply of freshwater but far enough away from rising sea levels. Away from earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, mountain roads, and urban blight. Oh wait, there is no such place.




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