TBD on Ning

              I am starting a new thread here mainly for purposes of my own catharsis. It is my intention, at least at this point, to make regular contributions. Of course, if anyone else has anything to add, they are more than welcome. If you have any input, please contribute.

              Over a year ago I decided to deal head-on with my self-diagnosed adult attention disorder, (ADD). The inability to stay focused was becoming too stressful. I found myself sitting around watching the clock tick, yet I couldn’t keep “on task” with any project I started. Nothing was getting done and just starting something was becoming depressing.

              The smart thing to do was probably to get professional help, so instead I decided to try to heal myself, at least as a first try. Cognitive therapy and pharmaceuticals (UGH) might be the approved way to go but I decided to try meditation first.

              18 months and countless self-help books later, I still can’t bring myself to a regular, formal meditation program. But, along the way, I discovered informal mindfulness. Yes, I know it is the “Fad” right now. It is hard to navigate modern social trends without “tripping over” somebody extolling the benefits of mindfulness.

              Let me add my voice to the chorus.

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Acceptance is an important part of the Serenity Prayer, but acceptance has not been achieved if the mind is still ruminating over it. Letting go means letting go.

"When the world feels like an emotional rollercoaster, steady yourself with simple rituals. Do the dishes. Fold the laundry. Water the plants. Simplicity attracts wisdom."  ~  Tiny Buddha

But do these simple chores with full attention to what is being done, not absent-mindedly while ruminating on all that is stressing you. It is not a case of going into denial about your problems because you will go back to resolve them. But you will do so more relaxed and composed, less reactive.

I'm trying.

"The most important thing to do with your time is whatever you are currently doing, the most important person is the person you are with in the moment, and the most important thing to do is act in the service of others." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

"Observe a stressful thought. Notice how your shoulders tense, your stomach tightens, you hold your breath. Keep watching the thought. Don’t push it away, change your reaction to it. Breathe deeply, let go, relax your shoulders and abdomen. You’re ok. It’s just a thought. Breathe." Jason Garner

"You don't pursue happiness, it catches you. When you slow down and allow yourself to be caught - in the moment." ~ James Rick

"Mindfulness isn't about feeling good all of the time. It's about being compassionately present for however you are feeling,"  ~  The Mindfulness Project

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." ~ Muhammad Ali

"Stop waiting for Friday for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now." ~Unknown

"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." ~ Carl Rogers

"Repetition slowly but surely changes your brain. This is why consistency of practice is so important."  ~  Everday Mindfulness




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