TBD on Ning

Do you like to take photos of things in your neighborhood or as you go around.  I thought with spring coming it would be fun to catch different flowers that either we all have or we find along the way while out and about.  We did this in another group and it was fun.  That group picked best photos etc, bu I'd rather just take photoos and share them?    What do you think?  

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Years ago,while still in N.Y., I used to take day trips to Manhattan on weekends. I used to take my 35mm camera with me and enjoy taking pictures. I haven't done that in many years. I'd bought  (upgraded) to a newer 35mm but that's as far as I got. Hopefully, in the future,  I'll resume my outings again.  Back then I used 35mm film which I then brought in to be developed.  Now I have to learn a new way to develop the pictures, now that film isn't used anymore.

Nothing blooming here yet, but I'm in when it does. In the meantime, I've been trying to catch pictures of cardinals and woodpeckers.

I've taken so many pictures here over the years, that I rarely do so any more unless it's something out of the ordinary. It would have been nice to have gotten a picture of the 6 point buck standing outside my bedroom window at 3 AM Christmas morning, but I was too sleepy..thought Santa had forgotten one of his reindeer.

I think with all of us having camera's in our smarphones, it's so easy to grab a photo of things these days.  So, that said would you be interested in taking photos and sending to TBD?  We all live in such different environments that I think it would be fun.  

Great pix! Looks like the squirrel prefers the electrical (phone?) line but the cardinal likes the natural setting.

The legion of squirrels that make their home in my yard prefer the 3 oak trees, but use the electric  line as an Intersate between them. The bird just flies. Traffic back and forth on the wire is perpetual.

Actually, the birds have no aversion to the wires either.

Used to take more pix- but really just take pictures of my cat or some thing unusual.

Finally found something blooming in my neighbor's yard. Some wildflower in the grass, not sure what it is.

I do. I love the red and red-orange trees and bushes. Here is a small on in our courtyard. 




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