TBD on Ning

What kinds of things do you pick up easily?

What subjects were hardest for you in school?

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math the hardest foreign languages the easiest

Math and sewing were my favorite. Hated gym and speech.

Never had to do a foreeign languages.

I did well in English and foreign languages. I did okay in history although it was not a favorite. My worst subjects were math and science. I also did poorly in physical education since I am not well coordinated.

History was the favorite and came easy, as well as science, Latin and English. Math not a favorite...OK with the basics, but not algebra and geometry.

English was the easiest subject for me; the hardest were Math and Physical Education.

It seems lately nothing comes easy but that don't mean I don't keep pushing myself to learn new things.  Physical education I hate, Math I was hopeless.  Never could understand how letters could be math and they passed with bare minimum and wouldn't let me take the state regents exam.  I would have brought the scores down.  Worked for me.  I did ok in bookeeping, though it was confusing with no business esperience.  My favorite and best classes were music and orchestra.  I did good in business law in senior year.  I wasn't a great student.  I took to learning in mass quantities when I took the real estate licensing school and through six months of grueling brokers school.

Math & science came easy. Foreign language was impossible. Unfortunately foreign language was required for science major. Science is an international discipline.

I was weak in literature as well. Shakespeare literally was a foreign language to me.




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