TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I am, yes.

Sometimes you weep unexpectedly over triggers like a whiff of a nostalgic fragrance or a few notes of a song or the sudden shock of seeing a stranger who reminds you of someone you love who is gone.

Sometimes. Especially the music. 

You and your beloved had a special song thst held meaning for you.

Ohhhh, so many!

You're having a toned-down Christmas dinner this year.


Your dinner will be vegetarian

Yes. High carb--that's the festive part. Hahaha! Mashed potatoes, asparagus, stuffing, cranberry sauce. Maybe something dessert-y.

Your dinner will not be vegetarian.ツ (I want to come for dinner! I miss real roasted turkey.)

Haha. I do too. But I'm not going to the trouble this year. Maybe just fried chicken 

You really like cranberry juice

I do!

When you were a kid, you always had a relish tray with celery and olives on the Thanksgiving table.


There were bowls of hard, filled candies on display during the holidays.

YES! The raspberry ones.

And there was a bowl of mixed nuts in shells and a nutcracker.

Yes! Good times

Not to drag It out,  but also tangerines

(Dragging this topic out is fun!)

Yup, tangerines. We always had one in our stocking.

Your mom liked ribbon candy (thick or thin).

She sure did. Thick for tying on the tree with ribbon.  But also thin, so delicately flavored

You strung cranberries with a big darning needle.




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