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What does it mean to live a good life?

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This is one of those things that mean different things to different people and circumstances.  For me, as long as I am healthy, have a roof over my head, food to eat, friends and family to talk to and visit with, and my basic needs met then it is a good life. 

same goes for me

I agree with Syble. I couldn't have said it better.

That there is even just one person who's glad you're alive.

Syble said it all!

Retiring to the farm.

A good life is whatever you're happy with and what Syble said.

Ditto what Syble said. Throw in being able to take trips whenever I feel like it...whether a day trip or vacation. 

Being in a position where I can be a vital asset in my family's dynamics. Being sought out for input whether it be information or some form of support, emotional or financial. I could do with a lot less drama though.




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