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What is something popular now that annoys you?

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The biggest one with me is how the young children start very early asking for holiday gifts that are $500 or more.  My youngest grandson wants a Play station 5 for his room.  Back in the day my kids got something like that as a group gift. 

I would buy them things that might have been a little expensive, such as clothes they wanted when they were teens and I learned an expensive lesson.  Once they had to buy their own clothes, Walmart was just fine.  

Technology! Actually I like a lot of it like Alexa and watching movies on TV. But I don't like getting thirty emails a day and they are either political or advertising shopping.

Might be my age, but just about everything...

First thing (& this has been popular for a while now): the gals wearing the sleeves so long--they come all the way down to their 2nd knuckles for cryin out loud!--and now the blouses & sweaters are even being made with a thumbhole so the sleeves will stay long:

Sleeves are almost always too long for me too, gals; but c'mon! Either hem up or roll up those sleeves!

And the other popular thing, the French Tuck it's called; it's where you only tuck in part of your blouse or shirt (as you can see, guys are doing it too):

Ugly and sloppy looking as far as I'm concerned. (Who the heck comes up with these ideas?!)

Sleeves are almost always too long for me so I try to get shirts with three quarter sleeves.

Face and tongue piercings  and those ear stretching things where you wind up with a HUGE hole in your earlobe. GACK!  

Wonder why they want a hole like that in their ear, it's beyond me! Size of a quarter.

Yeah, each sentence sounds like a question statement .Oey..

people more concerned about their cellphone then they are abo9ut talking to a cashier

The widespread use of profanity...and it's not only the younger generation. I never heard my parents or friends cursing like that when I was growing up. Also, now every cable network has shows that use the F word in every other sentence, some movies too. It really gets on my nerves and I've dropped watching shows and movies because of it.




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