TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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The ones I've seen, I like.

You prefer Jean Luc Picard to James T. Kirk.

Yes. How did you know?

You prefer Clint Eastwood to Mel Gibson 

Hmmm. Honestly, I was never really a fan of either. But I'd pick Clint Eastwood if I had to pick one.

You're not generally all that into comedy films.

Not especially,  now and then. I like Masterpiece Theater historical dramas, usually 

You like your films bearing a little bit of history  in them.

I love historical dramas. I love most genre of films, except comedy, with a few exceptions.

You love to see a high level of correct detail in historical/period productions.

Yes. When i watched with john, he always scoffed at the inaccuracies. He knew a lot of historical stuff

You know more about US history than European or any other country

Um, probably not. I probably know more about British history. I did, however, learn a bit about 18th century America by listening (over and over) to Draughn's lectures.

You think it's trends in history that matter far more than who did what when.


Usually,  the truth will out,  (sooner or later).


And the truth is...you really don't like lawn gnomes. :>)

No, not much. Flamingos, neither

You knew an Irishman who used to sing "Danny Boy" with tears in his eyes

I did. 

You knew or know someone who plays the bagpipes.

I think he plays, but not well. He takes part in the Scottish games every fall somewhere in northern CA. I forgot which town

He knew someone who had an old off-set printing press a d put out a magazine for sale




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