TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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You hate clowns.


Likewise, you're none too crazy about mimes

Correct! ツ

You could never understand the fascination the French had with Jerry Lewis.

Yes! My word!

You never cared for romance novels, the ones with the predictable plots and corny dialog.

Nope, never did.

You sometimes just want to be alone.

That is true 

You often had quality alone time as a kid, doing projects or nature walking

That's a qualified yes. I had more than many kids but less than I wanted. :>)

You love the beach but, afterward, you want to have a shower before dressing (like right there in the "wash house").

Yes. It's good to sluice the salt off

You sometimes swam among water critters, such as fish and shellfish

Yup. When just swimming and not snorkeling, it was sometimes freaky when something bumped into me.

You used to go clamming or crabbing. 

Absolutely. With my parents. Rowed out to an island in the Long Island sound. Dug at low tide. Got em home and steamed em.

You were fond of clam chowder.

Very fond of New England Clam Chowder--not so much of Manhattan style.

You've voted early.


You usually miss one clock or timepiece when it comes around to change the time back or forth.




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