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What smell brings back great memories?

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The smell of a freshly baked loaf of bread or any yeast bread. 

Roast beef. My grandmother made it every Sunday.

Strange as it seems...petunias. In my home town of Canton OH there was an amusement park, now very long gone, that had a large fountain surrounded by masses of petunias as you entered. When ever I get  whiff of petunias in the hanging basket by my back door, I immediately remember Meyer's Lake amusement park.

Great memory there. I was never to Myer's Lake but have great memories of Conneaut Lake Park in PA., no smells associated though.

Same here; certain smells remind me of unpleasant memories but none remind me of good times.

New car smell always takes me back to my grandfather's Olds' 88, new in 1956. I was ten at the time. Somehow that car stayed in the family and eventually got passed down to me years later.

The smell of ground beef browning with onions.....always reminds me of my mom.

I have cronic sinus problems so I don't really even have a sense of smell




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