Since my interest in the Haiku form arose out of my exploration of mindfulness, most of my efforts will somehow fall under that heading. So rather than try to force-fit them into previously existing discussions, I will start my own. I make no pretense now, of understanding the nuances of the form other than the 5/7/5 requirement, so I guess they will mostly be "basterdizations". So be it, sometimes the message trumps the format. That being said, I promise to take the time to at least try to understand the rules that I may be breaking. I will start by collecting here the few that have been offered elsewhere.
I agree on both points, PTB.
I had to laugh about the problems of ADD. Both my beloved and I have ADD, and one or the other of us would often break into whatever we were saying with a loud "SQUIRREL!!!" ツ
Do not be afraid,
the world is waiting for you,
to dance all alone.
i've danced all alone
fearless in the face of death...
now i fear living
Early morning chill
The wind is playing in leaves
Autumn symphony.
~ Cindy Smith
Flowers still blooming
In a world of grief and pain
Even then, life shines.
Not seeing sunlight,
the winter camelia blooms.
Faith in the Cosmos.
"Down in depths unknown
I struggle to find the cause --
The thing that eats me."
~ Mallory Rowe
To Be, or to Do?
Nobler to Stay, or to Act?
That is the question.
being is doing
a prince in peasant clothing
answers await all
elusive answers
ephemeral as blossoms
floating on the wind
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